What I Learned From The World's 8 Wealthiest Men

Do you keep your phone on the nightstand?

For decades, there's been a phone on my nightstand, and these days, that phone offers data. You know, access to NEWS. Well, this morning - early - I awakened from a memory.

I was sixteen, standing in an elevator, and I'd held the door for a man running through an underground parking lot. (Not something I would recommend in today's world... but... ) I recognized the man as he got closer, greeted him, and he stepped into the elevator. Between B level and 5th Floor, he said nothing, but gave me a kiss that curled my toenails and made me shimmer for the next two weeks. I stepped out on the 5th floor, but he invited me to the 7th. I didn't go. I had bigger plans for my life, and the opportunity he offered wasn't in my plans.

41 years later, he's the co-host on the morning news show that my phone is set to pick up. And the topic of the morning is The World's 8 Wealthiest Men.

So, I'm listening in, mesmerized by that face. The face of my first kiss etched into my mind. And the life lessons take away my breath. The realization that I made a choice that left an opportunity far behind, and the outcome has been phenomenal.

1 - These men are not light-weights in the world of finance. Not only do they know exactly where to hedge their bets, they're not shy about placing binary options on their money.

2 - They are not hung up on their appearance. They are and have been extremely good-looking men, but they haven't spent their time on keeping up with the latest, greatest style. They're classic and traditional dressers.

3 - They have absolutely amazing teams. Each of them is definitely self-made, but they've gathered around them highly successful team players.

4 - Rules were made to be broken. They don't go out of their way to break the law, but they also don't hesitate to bend the rules to suit their purpose when necessary.

5 - They understand the meaning of finding personal satisfaction in their job. They really do LOVE what they do, on every level necessary to accomplish the job. They don't mind spending many hours working, because working is what they love to do.

6 - Women matter. These men have learned to find the right woman to support and benefit them, often by trial and error. But they have women in their circle of friends who keep them centered and focused.

7 - Failure is a huge part of success. They've learned from failure and don't hesitate to try risky investments, because sometimes risk brings the win.

8 - Equality is a state of behavior. Opportunities abound, but not everyone will see them, accept them, or take advantage of them. Some miss opportunities because they're looking for the obvious, easy, or next opportunity.

9 - Success happens when you learn from a failed experience and keep going, because it's just a few steps further than where you're standing.

Keep moving toward your goal.

That first kiss may have looked like an opportunity to some, but to me it was a fork in the path that I didn't want to take. I didn't want to be HIS opportunity, I was looking for my own opportunities. I think we often fall for the first option, instead of waiting for the opportunity that belongs to us...

Wealth is a choice.

Life lessons can be learned, applied, and experienced, but if you never make the right choices, they don't matter.

Let's look at your choices, your opportunities, and the options you've taken, and see where we can improve your wealth options. Click on http://janverhoeff.com and let me help you find opportunities for wealth in your life.

 By Jan Verhoeff

Article Source: What I Learned From The World's 8 Wealthiest Men

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