What Are Your REASONS For Being A Leader?

Have you ever wondered or considered, why some people, including you, are driven to perform the often - thankless job of being a leader? Since there are often so many obstacles, challenges, etc, as well as the significant amount of time, energy and resources one must expend, is there any wonder, we often witness a significant dearth of genuine leaders? In my four decades of identifying, qualifying, developing, training and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, determining and discovering what drives someone to do so, often proves amongst the most difficult and challenging components/ aspects! What are your REASONS for being a leader? This article will discuss, with the assistance of the mnemonic approach, what should be, and avoid the often - selfish reasons, which cause some to misuse and abuse the privilege and position.

1. Relevant; reasoning; right: Do you believe you are the right person, to make a real difference for the better, because of some attribute/ asset, you possess, such as you reasoning ability, work ethic, desire, and/ or motivation? Are you driven to consistently prioritize doing the right thing? Are you able to differentiate between what's relevant/ priority, and the petty stuff?

2. Empathy; enrich; energy: Only those who realize their perceptions and those of those they serve, often differ, and are willing to effectively listen, to better understand what constituent's feel, are the priorities, needs, and concerns, are capable of proceeding with the necessary degree of empathy! Is your goal to enrich the experiences of those you serve? Are you capable of consistently proceeding with the high level of energy, which will help to motivate and energize others?

3. Attitude; aptitude; actions; attention: Will you proceed with a can - do positive attitude, or be a naysayer, who always thinks of why an idea won't work? What will you do, to potentiate your aptitude? Will you let your actions speak louder than your words? Will you pay enough attention, to all aspects and considerations?

4. Service; strengthen: Are you a service - oriented individual, willing to serve others, faithfully, with their best interests as your highest priority? How will you strengthen your group, in a positive way?

5. Options; opportunities: Will you proceed with an open - mind, considering alternatives fairly and thoroughly, and examining options? How will you be able to be ready to take advantage of opportunities, which present themselves?

6. Needs: True leadership must always be all about needs!

7. Sustainable system: No matter how effective you might be, you must understand you will serve for a finite, limited term. What will you do, in order to create, develop, and implement a meaningful, sustainable system, to insure your group's future, as well as possible?

Before becoming a leader, be certain you examine, understand, know, and realize your REASONS for wanting to serve as a leader! You owe that, both to your organization, as well as yourself!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source:  What Are Your REASONS For Being A Leader?

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