Visualize Your Way to Success

For some, the idea of visualizing their way to success sounds mystical and maybe somewhat unrealistic. But it's really quite simple. All you need is some reflective quiet time and the urge to imagine and focus. If you are interested in putting this into practice, then here are some pointers.

1. Peace and quiet
The first step to visualizing your way to success is to get some peace and quiet. Don't we all let our mind wander in particular situations when we are alone and only have our thoughts as company. The best example of this is maybe before we go to sleep at night and imagine ways where our life can be improved. What better time is there to really visualize the success that we crave than at this most peaceful time when you are not distracted or needed.

2. Determine your goals
Be specific - "more money" is too broad. Maybe it's an extra �100 a month or the equivalent currency in your particular country, being debt free, or spending a lot more quality time with your significant other or kids. Start small with manageable goals and increase them gradually, but always push yourself in order to feel you are raising your own particular bar.

3. Imagine
Be specific and detailed here, too. Imagine exactly what it would be like to reach your goals. Imagine having that extra time with your family - what would you do? Where would you go? Picture that specific place or event where you would plan the most wonderful time and not need worry about anything else.

If you want to be out of debt, imagine the freedom of  knowing all that you own is yours to keep. Try to imagine what freedom that could give you. The opportunities that could lie ahead with that extra disposable income instead of having to give it to someone else every month.

4. See yourself
As you imagine these specific scenarios, try to see yourself from another point of view and not from your own eyes. See a different personality and one that has a totally different perspective to life and how it should be. Picture yourself being finally in charge of your own destiny, no one making the decisions for you, earning enough money to do and go anywhere as you please and spend time with your loved ones - whenever you like. Watch yourself do it and try to make it as vivid as possible.

5. Bring it home
Try to imagine these things happening on a specific time and date, not just anytime in the future. Picture it occurring and focus on steps to make it happen.

6. Energize it
As you visualize reaching your goals and determining your success, try putting energy into the picture. Make it truly real.

7. Accept the vision
Sometimes, you can go through all of the above and still be thinking "it can't happen for me." That means this next step is especially important - accept the vision as something real, and possible. Embrace it and own it.

Visualization is a lot about building confidence. It's also about tapping into the brain's ability to heighten your awareness to the realisation of opportunities that do exist once you tap into the power within your own mind and once focused, you may be more likely to see the opportunities that come your way.

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 By Stephen Zaba

Article Source: Visualize Your Way to Success

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