Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

One of my favorite songs of worship says in its refrain:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
 Look full in His wonderful face,
 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
 In the light of His glory and grace.

There is something so timeless and so simple about this exhortation, and the truth it contains is so powerful! Think for a minute of when Peter asked Jesus to bid him, "Come" (If it was indeed his Lord standing before him on the water.) With one word, Peter left the safety and comfort of the boat, and stepped out onto the water to follow the lead of Jesus. Really imagine this in your mind's eye! That first step out of the boat must have been full of faith and trust! This is evidenced by the fact that within the water was a solid force that Peter was able to put his full weight on without sinking! He was walking on the water doing what Jesus did! If Jesus said, "Come," Peter was going to come!

What was Peter looking at when such faith rose in his heart? He was looking at his Lord. He was looking at Jesus - the one who told him to let down his nets for a catch when he had toiled all night and failed to catch a thing; the one who rebuked his mother-in-law's fever, and the fever left; the one who healed the sick, raised the dead, confounded the religious leaders and taught with unearthly authority! Jesus said, "COME." Peter simply obeyed.

We all know the story well. Peter began to look at the wind and waves. Fear instantly vied for a place in Peter's heart, doing all it could to displace the faith found there. Peter began to turn loose of the revelation of his Lord's love (which could have cast that fear right out), and he got a quick revelation of cold, hard (and wet) reality - he was sinking!

" But when he saw [the effects of] the wind, he was frightened, and he began to sink, and he cried out, "Lord, save me!" - Matthew 14:30

I love the next word. It gives me insight into my Lord's heart for me. It helps me to remember that Jesus is merciful and kind. It gives me hope for when I fail to keep fear from coming into my heart - "IMMEDIATELY Jesus extended His hand and caught him [Peter]." Yes, he rebuked Peter for having little faith, but I'd rather be the wet brother that got rebuked for my little faith than the dry brother that had no faith at all!

Here's the thing my friends, Jesus is always, ALWAYS inviting us to come - to come out further, to wade in deeper, to trust in greater measure. He invites us to a life of faith adventures! He invites us to follow Him wherever He leads. We are not promised an easy life, but we are guaranteed victory in every faith fight!

"Now thanks be to God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ," - 2 Corinthians 2:14

When the wind and waves in your life start to speak to you, turn your eyes upon Jesus! That is the answer! When you look at God - eternal, mighty, king of kings, lover of your soul, redeemer, healer and friend - all of the turmoil and chaos of this world will begin to fade, and your perspective will change. You'll stop feeling like your drowning, and you will begin to rise above it all. IN CHRIST we are always victorious!

When you look to Him, He will show you everything you need to see, and nothing you don't! He will keep you in perfect peace, and His perfect love will cast out that fear. That's when you can get sassy and talk back to the wind and waves. That's when you can act like Jesus and say in faith, "Peace. Be still." Hallelujah!

Turn your eyes upon Jesus today. Remember who you are, and whose you are. Rise above the wind and waves. Answer the invitation of your Lord to "Come" & you will soon know the exhilaration of walking on the water!!

Kelli Sanders is the founder of Grow in God Ministries, a teaching ministry established for the purpose of helping believers grow to a place of strength and maturity in their walk with the Lord. Kelli is happily married to Tom Sanders and mother to three beautiful children. Kelli has authored both non-fiction works and children's books. When she's not writing she's thoroughly enjoying her family and friends, serving her local church and growing closer to God every day!To access more resources visit http://www.growingod.org

 By Kelli Sanders

Article Source: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

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