Tips for Holding an Intervention

Having a family member who is living with a drug addiction can cause you a lot of stress. This rings especially true when you don't know how to get them help. You can feel powerless and trapped in your situation. Fortunately, you don't have to feel that way. Holding an intervention is a great way to help your loved one enter a treatment facility.

Holding an intervention can seem scary because it means confronting your loved one. Below are some tips to help make the intervention go smoothly and hopefully, get your loved one into treatment.

Hire an Intervention Specialist
The first step to holding an intervention is hiring an intervention specialist if possible. An intervention specialist is a trained addiction expert who can add perspective to the process. An intervention specialist also serves as a neutral third party, which can prove crucial. A lot of the times, people who live in active addiction manipulate those around them, which makes it hard for those manipulated to have a chance of getting them help.

Construct an Effective Team
An intervention's success depends on your loved one conceding to the fact that they have a problem and need help. Family members who the loved one cares about will have the best chance of seeing that he or she gets help. You want to make sure to avoid any people who your loved one has a negative relationship with as it might trigger him or her. If you trigger your loved one, he or she could feel defensive and not want to continue with the intervention.

Find a Formal Location to Hold It?
When you decide to hold an intervention, it's important to try and figure out where to hold it at. It's tempting to try and hold an intervention at your house another family members. However, this environment can derail the intervention. First of all, the loved one may have a lot of counter-productive memories associated with the house. In formal spaces, people are more likely to behave than in a house where they feel comfortable.

Have Rehearsals
Before holding an intervention, you should develop a script. The script will outline the order and provide the family with what to say. It's important that the family stick to the script. It's easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and say whatever feels right at the time. However, it's important to practice what you are going to say and stick to the script so that the intervention doesn't come off the rails.

Reserve Judgement
It's important to remember that addiction is a mental health issue, not a sign of bad morals. When your loved one acts out of character, he or she isn't trying to hurt people on purpose-your loved one is sick. Therefore, in the intervention, the best advice is to make sure that you reserve judgement. You don't want to push the person deeper into his or her addictive trap with your judgmental attitude.

Interventions provide a host of challenges. When you decide to hold one, you may feel like you have to get the person into treatment in order for you to feel like it was a success. However, the intervention is a process, not an event. When you host an intervention, you are planting a seed and it can take a couple interventions to get them to seek out help.

If you want to find out more information regarding addiction and treatment, go to

 By Demetrius Burns

Article Source: Tips for Holding an Intervention


Informations From: Taun17

  1. This is great advice! Very honest and practical. I really enjoyed this post. Nice post!! These tips may help me lot.
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