The Quest For The REMARKABLE Leader

Perhaps because I've dedicated four decades to identifying, qualifying, training and consulting, to well over a thousand actual and/ or potential leaders, I have often pondered why so few, become truly effective and meaningful leaders. Even many who I thought had amazing potential, rarely lived up to it! Maybe, I have set my standards unrealistically high, but shouldn't we expect that from a leader? Many have talked - the - talk, but very few ever consistently, walk - the - walk! When we look up the definition of the word, remarkable, the emphasis is on being someone, who does something special, which generates some feeling of faith/ goodwill from others. Wouldn't it be nice if our leaders were special, in that way? Let's use the mnemonic approach, to examine, the reasons, for our never - ending quest, for the REMARKABLE leader.

1. Relevant; realistic: How can anyone be leading others, until/ unless, his message, methods, goals and priorities are relevant? In addition, he must be able to remain open - minded, etc, but maintain a firm grasp on reality, using realistic goals and expectations!

2. Empathetic: You must come to the essential reality is that being a leader must never be about simply, you, or what you want/ desire, or serves your interests! Rather, a true leader listens attentively, discovers others' perceptions, needs, concerns and priorities. How can you lead, without a high degree of empathy?

3. Mature: We need leaders who behave as the grown - ups, reacting and behaving maturely, and remaining in control. As Robert Frost wrote, who can keep your head, while those around you, are losing theirs, and avoiding childish over - reactions. Prioritize and focus on what's important, rather than consistently sweating the petty stuff!

4. Attitude: A true, can - do, positive attitude, is not about the level of one's rhetoric, but rather, how he lives his every - day life, and how his attitude positively affects others! How can anyone be remarkable if he doesn't believe he can?

5. Reliable: The greatest intentions, or even those combined with excellent assets and abilities, achieve little, of consequence, unless you are actually, as well as perceived as being consistently reliable!

6. Knowledge: A remarkable leader does not have to know it all, but must have a highly developed, set of assets and attributes, and the right type of knowledge, which will help transform experience to expertise, and then, hopefully onto meaningful wisdom and judgment.

7. Actions: No amount of talking about it, gets what's needed to be, done! How will your actions, indicate a unique, leadership - by - example, type of taking charge, and achieving, when others don't get things done? Are you ready, willing and able, to conceive, prepare, and implement, a much - needed, action plan?

8. Beliefs; benefits: It is extremely challenging to do what is needed to become remarkable, without possessing strong beliefs, which focus on needs, priorities, and benefits, for your organization and stakeholders!

9. Listen; learn; leadership: One of the first challenges, one must overcome, is listening far more often, than one speaks! Transform effective listening to meaningful learning, and use this information, to help you provide remarkable leadership!

10. Energetic; example: One's personal energy often rubs off on those he comes into contact with. When constituents witness an energetic leader, they tend to listen more, and focus on the message. When that is combined with being the personal example, to others, by both your actions and words, you are well on your way, to becoming a remarkable leader!

It's referred to as a quest, because it is often a journey, to become a REMARKABLE leader. Are you up to that task?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: The Quest For The REMARKABLE Leader

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