The PURSUIT Of Leadership

True, effective, meaningful leadership, does not magically appear and/ or occur! Neither does it happen overnight, or because of an isolated action or event, even one which is truly significant. Rather, it is a step - by - step, nuanced, focused, learning experience, and those few who become real leaders, are generally the ones, who persevere and persist, while others give up! It requires a constant, continuous, attempt to do something meaningful, in order to serve an organization one believes deeply in, and having the focus, and discipline, to have a vibrant, vital vision, which aligns with the mission of a particular group. This article will touch upon, this PURSUIT of leadership.

1. Priorities; planning; persistence: One must begin with a relevant set of priorities, and then effectively combine those, with true, leadership planning. This means overcoming the often - easier path, of merely blaming and complaining, combined with empty promises and rhetoric! All of these must be combined with possessing the persistence and perseverance, to continue the pursuit, when others will not!

2. Urgent; useful: How can one transmit the need and sense of urgency, in a positive manner? Merely identifying and complaining is not being a leader; rather it is about pursuing useful ways, to get it done!

3. Relevant; reliable: One must be able to distinguish between what's most relevant, versus sweating the petty stuff, and getting brought down, by minutia! Merely taking action, is not true leadership, but rather a real leader, proves he is reliable, by the consistent quality, persistence, and value, of his pursuits!

4. Sustainable system: Leadership is not merely about holding some position, or addressing current pressing issues, conflicts, etc. Rather, it must be focused on knowing the heritage/ past, realistically looking at the present (both the pros and cons), and doing all one can, to conceive. create, develop and implement the best, sustainable system!

5. Unique; usable: Be your own man, as the adage states! Put your unique touch on your leading, but do so, in a service - oriented manner! Remember, leadership is never about you, but rather, how you impact the group you serve, and its stakeholders! Don't merely use rhetoric, but consider alternatives, and articulate usable strategies, plans, approaches, goals, and ideas!

6. Ideas; integrity; ideology: Be an ideas - based leader! However, these must align with the ideology, your group possesses and needs. Don't merely say what you believe others want to hear, but rather state what needs to be heard! If you can do that, you are one step closer to possessing the level of integrity, required of real leaders!

7. Timely; thoughts: Are your thoughts and actions, those of a real leader? Will you procrastinate, or take well - considered, timely action?

Beware: true leadership is an ongoing PURSUIT! Will you pursue it?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: The PURSUIT Of Leadership

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