The Intuitive Mind Is a Sacred Gift and the Rational Mind Is a Faithful Servant - Albert Einstein

So the rational mind is the dominant in a person, but what happens if the intuitive mind becomes dominant?

Let me tell you about an experiment, where a man did exactly that.

Firstly, how the heck you differentiate between the two. What comes from the intuition is more in the form of feeling and that feeling is pure, there is no clutter in it. It is like a state of balance, which is energising. It is free, connecting, expanding, and integrating in its nature. You do not think about it, you feel it. The rational mind creates thoughts, which in themselves have no emotional richness. They are more still, stable, even. They are bringing meaning, sense, connecting the elements, holding the picture together.

Anyway, the subject started the experiment from the beginning of September 2009. What he did, was letting the intuitive mind lead the way, and the rational mind just translating that in actions in the present, which is opposite of the usual relationship where the rational mind is trying very hard to figure out how things are going to happen.

In this experiment the logical (rational) mind's role was not to figure out what will happen, but how to make things happen now. It is important to say that on conscious level the person had no idea, what will happen in the future. As the intuition was telling him what to do in the moment, but not communicating why and how this exactly relates to the future. Sometimes it was giving the subject a hint but more a temporary direction, rather than anything solid related to the future.

What happened?

The subject at the time was in his third year at university and had started working part-time since the summer after his second year. The person reduced the amount of studying in hours approximately 3 times compared to the past year. In year two the subject achieved 66.78% on average compared to year three where the GA was 72.96%.

The subject spent approximately a month where he was not using a watch to coordinate his schedule (no alarm in the morning, not looking at the clock to determine if he should go somewhere and etc.). In this time the subject needed to go to his part-time work, go to seminars and lectures in the university and etc. The person was working a job, which was shift based and the shifts were on a random basis (including early mornings). He was following his intuition when to go, what to do. The result was that the person was occasionally late for some seminars, lectures and shifts, but usually small amount of time (10-15 minutes). He skipped some seminars or lectures, which didn't affect the individual negatively in any way. He was not fired from work or disciplined, he didn't fail the course, he didn't become a FAILURE. The subject had much more efficient way of living as he had more time for many things, lost less energy and there was increased synchronicity in his life. He reported multiplied excitement, passion, joy and that he felt that his life is much better organised compared to when the rational mind was leading.

It is important to mention that a key component for this experiment to be reproduced is the cognitive processing technique of the subject. This method is linked with self-awareness. Every time the subject experienced negative emotion (feeling of fear, anxiety, contraction, weakness) due to stimuli from the environment he was investigating his subconscious definitions. This process happens by analysing the situation in which the feeling occurred and what kinds of definitions are triggered by the stimuli and changing them with preferred definitions. For example the subject in the experiment had a coursework with a deadline in a month time. The rational mind if leading would have said: "please let's start now or in a week's time as we need to plan and we don't know how long it will take" and etc. The intuitive mind didn't say that at all. Actually in this case it mentioned the coursework 3 days before the deadline. But because there was the definition in the subject that good results are achieved by hard work, the closest the deadline, the more negative emotion the subject was experiencing as to the fact that he was not doing the coursework. So as he was feeling that negative emotion of anxiety, contraction and etc. described above he started investigating to find the definition. The person began first by asking himself when that negative emotion occurred, what it was connected to. In this example when he remembered about the coursework. In the majority of cases, it is not very straight forward process because the subject will go through number of definitions, which will not be the core definition. I will use analogy to give you better understanding. Imagine a problem. To solve a problem permanently you need to reach the root cause of the problem and to do that you will first go through multiple peripheral causes. Same with definitions! The way to know if you successfully have changed the core belief does not require any effort. If you have identified correctly and changed with preferred definition in the same situation, you will get a different result. You will not experience the negative emotion, but instead the intuitive feelings more clearly. Using that technique you will be able to recognise the intuition, which is a clear and pure feeling and you will know when there is just a small bit of mud in the water leading to the inability to drink it.

Important note: Definitions are subconscious. Every time you are executing this process you tap in the subconscious and bring out certain definitions, you investigate them, change them and then you put them back in the subconscious. When you re-experience the situation you must not think about the changed definition. It is already in the subconscious and it is automated process.

Would you experiment?

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts. Thanks for reading.

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By Joanne Smith

Article Source:  The Intuitive Mind Is a Sacred Gift and the Rational Mind Is a Faithful Servant - Albert Einstein

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