The Clearing and 2017

I just did something that made me feel like a brand new man... uh no, not that!

But close.

Yep, this little "clearing exercise" really did the trick.

Confession time. You see...

I'm a bona fide pack rat.

There. I said it! Truth be told, I'm kinda proud of it. But as my Pop used to say, "there's a time and place for everything."

I couldn't agree more.

So, I started clearing non-essential stuff out of my life. It started with all of the emails lists I had subscribed to. Seems like I subscribed to anything and everything that peaked my fascination...

At the Time

And to say "overflowing" would be an understatement to describe my email In-box.


And worst of all, I allowed myself to be sucked in to this email checking ritual, which as you could imagine, really consumed a lot of my time.

Sadly, I probably spent hours trying to keep up reading all the "stuff" filling up my email inbox. And most of it was rubbish!

So here's what I decided to do. I immediately started a massive "un-subscribe" campaign. Keeping only the essential, most trusted and useful stuff from my most favorite and trusted mentors and colleagues.

Once the emails were gone, I moved onward to various paper-type-things. You know, things like old magazines, booklets, reports, old ads that I had written years ago.


Damn it feels so guuud!

Now I'm getting at least 93% fewer emails. Bam. Gone!

After getting all of clearing done, it got me thinking about the delicate and finite subject of time.

Folks, our time is valuable. We are here on this planet for only a limited and oftentimes short time.

This reminds me of Scott Haines, one of my copywriting mentors. He recently "checked out" unexpectedly.

The news of Scott "Mongo" Haines's passing away, well it shook the direct response inner-circle with a shattering and sudden blow.

Scott was a true and loyal friend to all, especially to those who knew him. He was an exceptional copywriter, marketer and awesome mentor to many including myself.

He died from a massive stroke and checked out way, way too early at only 46 years old.

I'll say it again... time, and the ability to think and act are our most valuable and precious gifts we have. Being in the present, is just like it says -- a "present" of another day of living.

And life should be treasured and put to the highest and best use.

What you do with your life is totally your choice. You can invest it and cultivate it to produce great harvests of friendships, make great things happen, and help others along the way. Heck, you can even make some good money as you travel down life's path.

Or you can squander it away. Nature plays no favorites and does not care how you spent your time or live. Nature only gives you what you give it. Garbage in, garbage out. Time and nature as the great equalizer for all of us.

I know that I've written about this many times before, but feel like it worth covering again.

The older I get, the more I understand the laws of nature. So, I'm eager to truly live life deep and make great things happen. I'm excited to be given another year to continue to move down this awesome path we call life.

As another mentor, the late great Gary Halbert taught me, "Movement always produces more results than meditation."

So, now is the time to get moving... "clear out" the old, and bring in new ideas, birth new projects, make new connections, and help others to embrace life to its absolute fullest.

If you're up for the challenge...

2017 is rolling on...

Now Is Your Time to...

Get moving on a bright new, exciting adventure or project. Make some great things happen. Bring along others on your path towards greatness.

Carefully and thoughtfully clear out the old and stale, clear out old emails, old papers, books, and other stuff that you no need or want.

Recycle worthy items to your favorite library or charities that could add value to others.

Live life like it's your last day and embrace it for all it's worth. Live in the present and be grateful for the present; yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not come.

Parting Shots...

If you are a copywriter, marketer, or small business owner then I invite you to consider the value of your time.

It's gone in a New York minute. I'm always open to hearing your successes.

To a very profitable and clutter-free 2017!

Emette Massey is a copywriter and marketing consultant. Why not listen to one our FREE Business Growth Mini Seminars at:

 By Emette Massey

Article Source: The Clearing and 2017

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