The Best Type Of Leadership FAVORS

Every leader must beware, and realize, he will often be asked to do someone a favor. While this activity comes with the job, there is often a fine line, between doing something ethically and appropriately, and behaving in a way, which might either actually be, or perceived as being, inappropriate and unethical! The over - riding way, to determine which it is, might be considering who benefits, and why. While a leader should seek to enhance his constituents experiences, and make changes for the better, these changes must benefit the masses, rather than the few, be determined from a needs - basis, and serve those in similar situations, equally. Let's consider, from a mnemonic perspective, the best types of leadership FAVORS.

1. Find facts; future: Before making these types of decisions, and taking action, one must delve deeply, in order to discover what all the facts, which might be relevant, are! This fact - finding mission must be thorough and unbiased! Focus, not only on a particular situation, or on the present, but on what the possible future ramifications and impacts might be!

2. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Begin without prejudging, but rather maintain an open - mind, and proceed consistently, with a can - do, positive attitude. What might you be willing to do, in order to assure, you fully are prepared to evaluate thoroughly, and accurately? Will you enhance your aptitude, and hone your skills, so you are ready, to respond properly and appropriately? How can you make sure, you pay attention to all the details and ramifications, as well as options and alternatives?

3. Vision; value; values: A leader only becomes capable of making these distinctions, when he clearly understands and owns his vision, for the future, and the reasons it is so valuable! Leading effectively means providing value to stakeholders, while maintaining the purity and intent of his values!

4. Opinions; options; opportunities: How will you distinguish between opinion and fact? How will you determine your opinion? What will you consider, and why? Will you proceed with an open - mind, so as to consider possible, viable options and alternatives? Will you be prepared for opportunities, while seeking to create your own?

5. Relevant; reliable: Will the favors you consider, have an impact, positively or negatively, on either others, or the group, as a whole? Will you focus on addressing relevant concerns, with reliable planning, strategies, and actions?

6. Strengthens; sustainable system: When you consider doing a favor, ask yourself who will benefit, and is this acceptable and fair? Will your actions strengthen the organization, and those you serve? Will doing a favor, will it potentially, negatively impact, the group's ability, to implement a quality, sustainable system?

Leaders must be giving and forgiving, but avoid being taken advantage of, or being patsies! Be careful when someone asks for FAVORS!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: The Best Type Of Leadership FAVORS

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