The Aleppo Clown, a Symbol of Suffering and Peace

The clown of Aleppo who entertained traumatised children at Aleppo, a popular city of Syria, was killed in an air strike. His tragic death would remain as a prick to global conscience. It is time that all world nations to get involved in peace negotiations when war breaks out in any part of the globe so as to build up a stable and peaceful world for the future generations.

Aleppo, the apex of horror,
Once the life-blood of Syria,
Where everyone lived harmoniously.
Unimaginable horror became imaginable horror,
Shell shocked children exhumed from rubble,
Left writhing in bloody clothes. 
The haunting cries of children pulled alive,
Echoing across the Aleppo city.
Next forced into refugee camps,
Traumatised by the carnage, they never slept.
Children lost their childhood.

Then suddenly appeared from nowhere,
A white-faced clown,
In the dying city of Aleppo,
With red nose and cheeky smile,
Orange wig and flowery yellow hat.
Children gathered around him,
Touched his costumes and the red nose.
Children cheered him.
The clown joked with the children.
To the sound of gun fire,
In the darkest moments of war
Acted out comics for the kids,
To spread warm feelings,
And a shred of happiness among them.
He made them return,
To their natural world of fantasy and play.
Found humanity and dignity in the midst of war.

The clown sang for the children,
Hiding his heart-felt anguish and tears,
Behind his perpetual smile.
He sang peace songs,
Some angelic and melancholic to ease the torment,
Yet, others dramatic and harsh to brave them up,
And the children repeated the songs.
They forgot their pains for a moment.
They braved the bombs and bullets.
In the world of songs, they put up a happy face,
And hide their pent-up sorrows.
Nothing may be forever.

Then came the apocalyptic night,
Bullets cross fired all around.
When everyone fled, the clown chose to stay.
Aleppo became a giant grave yard.
The air-strike not failed to end a precious life,
A bullet ended the innocent life of the clown.
His body lay on the ground lifeless,
Amidst the scream of the children,
The hope and peace maker of Aleppo.
Let the memories of the clown,
Remain as a prick to the global conscience,
And a symbol of the awe-struck Aleppo.

Kings fought "many wars to end all wars."
World only became complicated and cruel.
Wars form in the minds of people,
War thirsty people or war thirsty leaders?
The never-ending lies and hypocrisies of wars
Plague our dear world thirsting for peace.
Nobody wins the war; all are losers in the end.
Widows and fatherless children, the outcome of all wars.
Peace becoming a distancing horizon.
Let the Queen of peace save the world,
And be the guiding star for our ailing world.

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Informations From: Taun17

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