The 6 Steps To True, Effective Leadership

Before one decides to seek, or serve, in any position of leadership, he should objectively, and introspectively consider, why he wants to do so, and/ or whether he is fit to be a leader, or the right individual, to pursue leadership. If you determine it is for you, and you are the right person, then, you must seek the best way, to be as effective and relevant, as possible! Far too often, our elections, whether for national office, or local positions, become little more than popularity contests, and revert to empty promises and rhetoric! However, once someone is elected, selected or ascends, he should try to be the best he can be, and this article, will briefly review 6 steps, to true, effective leadership.

1. Examine goals, priorities, needs: It might seem obvious, but it is amazing how rarely new leaders begin their process, with a thorough examination of goals, priorities, needs, perceptions and concerns. How can anyone be effective, without addressing top priorities, in a well - considered, thoughtful, timely manner?

2. Strategic planning: While many groups claim to use strategic planning, few actually do so! In many cases, the process deteriorates to blaming and complaining, rather than seeking solutions, alternatives, and plans. It is indeed, this strategy, which will generally determine the eventual success of a leader. How do you know you are using the best approach or strategy, until/ unless you objectively examine alternatives, in sync with the heritage, present conditions, and future aspirations?

3. Action plan: The greatest strategic plan, unless acted upon, in a well - considered, timely manner, will become a mere exercise, rather than a viable course to creating a solution! Use this strategic plan, as the basis of your action plan, and use this process, to create a step - by - step, cookbook - style analysis and procedure, to achieve what needs to be done!

4. Develop your team: No individual, no matter how skilled, or well - intentioned, can do it alone! Rather, he must identify those individuals, who will make his team stronger, better, and more relevant. How can one delegate responsibilities effectively, unless he first identifies the best people to serve the cause?

5. Delegate wisely: While, at times, it might be simpler, especially, in the short - term, to do it yourself, in the longer - term, it is important to delegate wisely, to individuals who will get it done!

6. Get it done!: Good intentions, promises, and positive rhetoric, are necessary ingredients, and first - steps, in identifying individuals with the potential to be effective leaders. However, what really counts, is whether one can bring ideas to actions, and achieve what's necessary. Get it done!

Don't just serve in leadership, but seek to do so, effectively! True leaders are effective ones!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: The 6 Steps To True, Effective Leadership

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