Below are some signs that someone you love has an alcohol problem and should probably get help. It's never too early to get someone help for an alcohol problem, but it can prove too late.
Increased tolerance is one of the major signs that someone has started on the road of alcoholism or is already there. A higher tolerance is the ability to drink an increased amount of alcohol without feeling the effects. As the body learns to expect the overhaul of alcohol in its system, it adjusts to minimize the damage to the body. It's a downward spiral, as an individual's tolerance will continue to rise and if he or she continues to drink then it could cause even more damage on the body.
Inability to Stop Drinking
For people with a drinking problem, one of the biggest issues is controlling usage. If you go out and drink way more than everybody else, you might have a problem. Most people can have control of their liquor, but people with an addiction problem can't. The people who can't control their drinking often are hard wired differently than others. Their ability to impulse control might be lesser than another individual.
Legal Problems
When drinking leads to an arrest, it's a definitive sign that alcohol is a problem in your life. Drunk driving isn't the only offense that can come from drinking. People can get arrested for theft, assault or other crimes as alcohol cripples judgement. Fortunately, when an arrest happens because of drinking it could be a good time to schedule an intervention before their legal problems amplify.
People who have developed a physical dependence on alcohol will have withdrawal symptoms generally within five to 10 hours after their last drink. These symptoms can last for days after their last drink. Symptoms are most pronounced within 48 to 72 hours into withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, listlessness, sweaty skin, nausea, vomiting and shaking. In extreme cases, an individual might experience delirium tremens, which cause intense confusion, hallucinations and seizures.
Alcohol withdrawal is the most dangerous form of withdrawal. People who try to withdrawal from alcohol without doctor's help put themselves at severe risk. It is strongly advised that people with alcoholism seek out professional help in the form of a treatment center.
Though alcohol is legal, it is one of the most dangerous substances around. What determines whether someone develops an addiction is multifaceted. But, what's not debatable is that when people do, they will need professional help to overcome it.
If you want to find out more information about addiction, go to
By Demetrius Burns
Article Source: Signs of Alcoholism