Public Enemy

As the sun was setting over the Western sky Tom Hardy was putting the finishing touches on a news story for tomorrows paper. With so many people still in disbelief over this past years election Tom was duty bound to find tangible proof that Donald Trump not only conned the American public but is engineering a most sinister agenda against millions of Americans. His story is not about the public enemies that are so portrayed in the movies most notably by James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart but about how Donald Trump and the Republicans are aiming to do a full scale assault on the American Public. In doing so Donald Trump is well poised to achieve the largest wealth grab in recent history.

At first Tom thought after months of investigating all this was just speculation but when he found out that the FBI coordinated with the Secret Service where wire taps were place all through-out Trump Tower unbeknownst to Donald Trump or any of his closet associates and family he knew that a story had to be told. For months now the FBI has been involved in a discrete investigation to Trumps financial dealings as well a physiological profile.

It was during the months that led up to the election that so many people began to realize that Trump displays what many psychologists call a narcissist complex as well as being known to stretch the truth on so many occasions. It is as though every time Trump opens his mouth some outlandish statement always spews out.

The false bravado that is always displayed according to many noted analysts is due to a reality that Trump is as the expression goes "so full of himself" that he really can't help it. This and the fact that he is oblivious to so many of the realistic solutions to the many urgent problems millions of Americans face.

As Tom continues writing this cover story "Public Enemy" he can't remember a time in the history of the United States has an elected President been looked upon as a public enemy. This is even before he is even sworn in. Then in after thought Tom began thinking who really is at fault for this election that has turned out so despicable?

In trying to answer that Tom figured their were many to blame. Russian hacking aside, it was Trump who on one hand played right into the hands of the disenfranchised and disconnected voters. Then there was the Democratic establishment who from day one went out of their way to coronate Hillary Clinton as the heir apparent to succeed President Obama. There was also the voting public where so many were beguiled into believing Trump and his message. All Trump was doing was conning the gullible public because the Democratic establishment locked out Senator Sanders movement which to everyone's amazement became a national phenomena.

Now, with just a few days to Inauguration the improbable has become a stark reality. With the Republicans in control of Congress and their mindset in place the assault on the American public will commence. This assault will target the most beneficial programs that are in place to prevent so many from falling into a calamity of economic disaster. The reverse Robin Hood mentality is set to begin right when this Public Enemy is sworn in.

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