President Donald Trump - Repeal of Unconstitutional Legislation/Executive Orders Imposed on the USA

There is no doubt that our new U.S. President-elect, Donald Trump, realizes that there are many federal laws, regulations, regulatory agencies, and administrations currently abounding in Washington, D.C., which are not constitutional to any degree, and that these unnecessary and improper creations of an illicitly progressive federal government should be abolished through immediate repeal of the unconstitutional congressional legislations that created them; that is, after he is inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. Mr. Trump's Constitutional commitment to the republic, as posted on the Internet, conveys this intent.

In the beginning of the American republic, in 1789, there were but four presidential cabinet-level positions under President George Washington, which were regarded as necessary and proper per Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18. These were Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Treasury, and Attorney General. In the year 2016, the presidential cabinet-level positions numbered fifteen, and eleven of these were, and still are, unnecessary and improper. Why is this so? The powers of the federal government are specifically enumerated within the text of the U.S. Constitution; in Article 1, Section 8, for the Legislative branch, in Article 2, for the Executive branch, and in Article 3, for the Judicial branch. The Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights states unequivocally that, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." This may be simply restated as "the federal government's power is specifically limited while the power of the States is unlimited except for the prohibitions stated in the Constitution."

Hence, the intention of the honored Framers, in establishing the Constitutional caveat in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 regarding the powers of the Legislative branch, Congress, was to specifically "limit" the size of the federal government; not to have an open-ended opportunity to expand it. Clause 18 states, "To make all Laws which shall be "necessary and proper" for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof." James Madison succinctly wrote in "Federalist 44" that "that which is not ultimately necessary for the functioning and operation of the federal government should not be legislated as law." The obvious first usurpation of this federal legislative caveat, of only necessary federal legislation, was the First Bank of the United States, which was the creature of the first Secretary of the Treasury, monarchist Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton created the proposed legislation in the likeness of the Bank of England, and was passed narrowly by the 1st U.S. Congress in February 1791. This central bank was the illicit forerunner of the Federal Reserve. The First Bank of the United States was not, in any way, necessary for the proper functioning of the finances of the new American republic and was for the sole benefit of the very wealthy bankers as a means of depriving struggling farmers of adequate financial opportunity in a acquisition of federal debt. Alexander Hamilton cleverly and sophistically persuaded an extremely na�ve President George Washington that it was necessary and to sign the legislated bill into law against the ardent opposition of a much more financially sagacious Thomas Jefferson, the first Secretary of State. This gross historical precedent may be argued by certain members of the Trump Transition Team, and presented to President-Elect Trump, as a correct act of the 1st U.S. Congress, but it wasn't correct because, simply, the legislation promoted debt, not fiscal solvency, and was not necessary for the efficient financial operation of the federal government. It was the forerunner of the conspiratorial 1913 Federal Reserve Act. President Andrew Jackson ran his winning presidential campaign, in 1828, on his promise to abolish the Bank of the United States, and he fulfilled his promise by de-chartering the Bank in 1829. And I foresee President Donald Trump seeking the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the unconstitutional private banking cartel known as the Fed.

As a further example of the twisted and mutated unconstitutional process of illegal federal legislation in the 20th Century, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which was proposed and passed without the Legislative branch, Congress, having any textual Legislative branch power to do so. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was pragmatically passed using the power of Congress under the Interstate Commerce Clause, which was totally improper and illegal. Yet, the U.S. Supreme Court flagrantly upheld the Civil Rights Act(s) as constitutional, in the same basic way the high German Nazi Court upheld the anti-Jewish eugenics laws of 1936 as legal and binding, when they was in direct conflict with the libertarian Constitution of the Weimar German Republic. Using the Commerce Clause of Article 1, Section 8 to justify the passage of the Civil Rights Act was like using the power of Congress under Clause 7, "To establish post-offices and post-roads," to justify the passage of legislation to require the American People in every State to carry a federal I.D to show when leaving one State and entering another; or, as another example, using Clause 9, "To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court," to justify legislating a law establishing a federal birthright commission to determine the fitness of married couples, in all States, to have children. Does this sound utterly tyrannical? Well it is, and if Congress can presume the power to pass a law telling a store-owner in Tennessee, or children running a neighborhood lemonade stand in Minnesota, that they have a federal obligation to serve every customer that wants to buy something from them, they can presume to have the power to pass a law requiring RFID chips to be planted in the bodies of all newborn infants in all States to regulate kidnapping, or for homosexual transgender men to have the right in all States to use female restrooms. Perhaps the RFID chips haven't been, yet, mandated, but Obama has attempted to mandate the latter.

Let's talk for a moment about socialism and the fascist use of U.S. income tax money to propagate unconstitutional legislation, and the use illicit use of that appropriated tax money outside of the USA to influence the operations of other nations to enhance unconstitutional U.S. federal policy. As is the case in regard to hundreds of federal regulatory agencies, administrations, and commissions, the U.S. Agency for International Development uses nearly a billion dollars of appropriated tax money every federal fiscal year to spend in the alleged development of foreign nations, some of which do not support, and actually denigrate, the interests of the USA. Instead of using those many hundreds of millions of tax dollars for the benefit of the American taxpayer, the federal government spends it, supposedly, to improve foreign school systems, to build roads in foreign countries, and to prop-up foreign governments. Inside the USAID are covert CIA operatives who pose as USAID employees, as most U.S. embassies are filled with CIA operatives posing as ordinary State Department employees. This is something that President-elect Donald Trump has realized is an extremely dangerous aspect of a rogue and uncontrolled and politicized intelligence community. In addition to its bloated employee rosters, the CIA/NSA/DIA/DHS complex has over 50,000 foreign assets (un-official employees) on their payroll, receiving federal tax dollars, while doing the bidding of the CIA/NSA/DIA/DHS complex outside of the USA, of which the Senate and House oversight committees don't have any knowledge. This provides this de facto autonomous intelligence complex the open-ended opportunity to conduct many evil operations unsanctioned by, and unknown to, Congress. I have personally dealt with the 20th Century CIA/NSA and know that the men and woman managing these two independent federal organizations are not to be trusted. For propaganda purposes, they are labeled as trustworthy by the mainstream media in order to mislead the American electorate. The 2016 Presidential campaign and election proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that fake news is regularly disseminated by the wealthy components of the mainstream media, the newspapers, the broadcast television news networks, cable-TV news networks, and the Internet.

I firmly believe that the Trump administration will provide a real rebirth of Constitutional freedom and liberty that wasn't really experienced after the death of Abraham Lincoln, the man who actually coined that expression. Lincoln unfortunately didn't live to oppose the treacherous 14th Amendment, which was passed by a vindictive Republican Congress in 1865 and forced coercively on the Southern States to negate the Constitutional power of the States under the 10th Amendment of Bill of Rights. Lincoln would have certainly disdained with passion the 14th Amendment, just as his Vice-President, Andrew Johnson, disdained it. President Trump will not be bound by the maleficient unconstitutional status quo of a Republican establishment that has encouraged evil socialist/Marxist economics, a devalued politically inflated American dollar, and tyrannical legislations and executive orders on the American People. Progressive Democrat Party socialist/Marxist fascism, and Republican establishment toleration of that fascism has made 21st Century conditions in the American republic more austere than the tyranny imposed by the tyrant King George III in 1774. God-speed to President-elect Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, as he endeavors to drain the District of Columbia, which was once a swamp, of the political and economic evil that currently inhabits it.

Since most of the legally qualified electorate of the American republic voted for President-Elect Donald Trump, throughout the heartland of the nation, these men and women should continue to support President Donald Trump as the 45th U.S. President. How should they do this? First and foremost, these Americans should constantly be informed of what is really happening and of the propaganda that is being funded in the electronic media by progressive socialist/Marxists such as billionaire George Soros and the many millionaire celebrities who have been ludicrously elevated from the status of court jesters to that of kings simply because of their money and public popularity. These ignorant puppets of the liberal progressive movement are seeking Mr. Trump's Constitutional agenda. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, Internet news organizations such as Yahoo, and the many newspapers such as the Washington Post, L.A. Times, and Seattle Times are responsible for feeding an electorate, hungry for the truth, fake news and propaganda so skewed that most of the electorate have been duped to believe that scientifically impossible events have actually occurred during the past 30 years! The old expression that "politics is the perception of the electorate of what the media have made them believe is true. This is why the 1st Amendment's guarantee to freedom of the press should not be a license to lie to the public in Orwellian newspeak. There should be a caveat Constitutionally added to that Amendment that the Press is free to publish only the truth, and nothing else.

I encourage the American public, who elected Donald Trump, to continue its vocal and written support for the new President in telephone calls, letters, and faxes to Congress in order to show that support. God save, and preserve, our new President Trump!

By Norton Nowlin 

Article Source:  President Donald Trump - Repeal of Unconstitutional Legislation/Executive Orders Imposed on the USA

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