Why We Need INCLUSIONARY Leadership

Why does it seem, so few individuals in positions of leadership, heed the advice of the adage, Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer? Why do so many fall into the trap, of surrounding themselves, solely with individuals who agree with them, have supported them in the past (even when they should not have), or appear to fit neatly into the yes - man category? What sense does it make, to rely upon the adversarial approach, when nearly every study, and/ or expert, clearly states the benefits, effectiveness and efficiencies of cooperation, etc? In today's ever - more polarizing, anxious, adversarial society, a true leader must understand, realize and utilize INCLUSIONARY leadership!

1. Integrate; imagine; inquire:

Only a fool uses the My way of the highway approach to leadership, yet I have come to realize, in my four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, there seem to be a Ship of Fools! Quality, effective leadership, comes about, when the leader thinks outside - the - box, and seeks to integrate quality ideas, thoughts, plans and programs, from wherever they might arise! One must imagine what might, could and should be, rather than dwelling on the negatives, and perceived problems. There must be no place for blaming and complaining, in a leader's arsenal! Realize you don't know it all, or have all the solutions, and inquire from both past supporters, as well as adversaries, in order to garner as much information, ideas, and input, as possible!

2. Needs:

One's focus and emphasis must be on both actual, as well as perceived needs, concerns and priorities, and the only way, a real leader might learn of these, is to include everyone in the discussions!

3. Character; cooperative; clarity; consensus:

The best way to pre - judge and evaluate whether someone will be a great leader, is to look deeply into their character (as opposed to rhetoric)! Quality leaders stress cooperation over adversarial, and seek as much clarity, and perspective, as possible. Sustainable, meaningful growth and relevance, comes about when one seeks a meeting of the minds, so there is some sort of consensus, for the common good!

4. Listen; learn:

Use your two ears far more than your one mouth! Listen carefully, and learn what others seek, from their perspective!

5. Useful; usable:

All the rhetoric and vitriol, in the world, generally achieves little of consequence, in the long - term! Rather, a true leader must seek useful plans, programs, and ideas, which others will buy into, and therefore, every plan should be a usable one!

6. Strengthening; sustainable system:

When one excludes, rather than includes, he alienates large segments of his constituents! Include both supporters and dissenters in your discussions and plans, and focus on ways to strengthen the group! A real leader realizes he must create, develop and implement a meaningful, relevant, sustainable system, which will positively project the organization, into the future!

7. Ideas; ideals; integrity:

Stop the reliance on empty rhetoric! A candidate must become a statesman, once elected, or he'll never be a viable, meaningful leader! One's focus must be on quality ideas, which align with the ideals of the group, and every effort must proceed, with absolute integrity!

8. Options; opportunities:

There's more than one way to get positive results! A leader must proceed with an open - mind, considering options, and seeking the best opportunities, for the organization (and not merely his personal agenda)!

9. Niche:

Know your group, and focus, with niche leadership!

10. Attitude; attention; ask:

True leaders always proceed, with a positive, can - do attitude, thus motivating others, to care and do more! Pay attention to the bigger picture, and all stakeholders, not simply those who agree with you! Remember, once elected, you serve all your constituents, not just supporters! Ask relevant, meaningful questions, so you can perceive, beyond your personal opinion, or comfort zone!

11. Reachable; rational; rationale; reasonable:

Make an open - door policy, far more than a mere prop! Be a truly, reachable leader, who is willing to explain his rationale, in a calm, rational manner. Remember, to communicate effectively, others must perceive you, as being reasonable and inclusionary!

12. Yes; you:

Avoid the tendency of believing, To the victor, goes the spoils, and do not surround yourself with yes - men! You must be willing and open to change, but not merely for punitive, or change - sake! Say yes to what's best for the entire group! Avoid blaming and complaining, because, as a leader, it's up to you!
It's perhaps easier to favor only friends and allies, but generally, that's not in the best interests of any organization! Be an INCLUSIONARY leader!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead
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