Message of the Universe: Never Underestimate Your Work

"What if every wrinkle, scar, or gray hair only made you more beautiful? What if every tear you've shed, mistake you've made, and challenge you've faced, only drew you closer to the light? And what if, for every breath you've taken, every sentence you've spoken, and every path you've chosen, your fans in the unseen multiplied?

Well, I'd say it's about time you found out.

Be proud, we are -
The Universe"

What you can't see doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Subatomic particles can't be seen from the naked eyes but they do exist. Everything you do has an impact. The way you talk to people, the way you pay attention to things around you, treating others with respect, give yourself enough credit for all the hard work you put in have an impact on your life and everyone around you. Looking at your life now, today, may not seem like a great deal to you but considering the fact that you have personally grown spiritually should be more than enough for you to know that you are on the right path. You are in control of your destiny, in control of your actions and when you share yourself to others, either be financially or knowledge base, you create changes around you that are greater than what you would ever imagine. Never underestimate your contribution and always give yourself credit in everything you do.

Always respect free will when you interact with others. Never force anything on anyone. Give advice when requested and leave it for the other person to take action or not. If same advice is requested over and over again, you can then decide if you want to continue feeding this negative behavior by keeping on listening to their complaints or stay away. It is really up to you. Everyone can make their own decisions based on facts and figures presented to them. By being there for them in that moment of need, you are making a positive change in their lives and by finding a solution, you have saved someone from major depression or worst. Focus on helping yourself as well and never forget who you were then and who you are NOW.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


 By Daniel A Amzallag

Article Source:  Message of the Universe: Never Underestimate Your Work

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