Message From the Universe: Recharge Your Batteries With Some Time Off

"Remember when it was really fun to catch raindrops on your tongue, walk under archways because they were there, and roll around in the sand at the beach? To go all the way to the store for a tiny treat, lie on the grass looking for "God" in the clouds, and make scary monster faces in the mirror? To watch the stars because they were winking at you, count the flowers in the garden by the door, and put Cocoa Puffs up your nose?

Well, I'm happy to inform you, most of it still is.

The Universe"

The journey of life is not solely reserved to working your butt off and not really enjoying the fruit of your labor. You need to listen to your body and take the time to relax. How many of your vacation days have you taken lately? Many have accumulated enough of these days off to take a sabbatical year and get paid for it. Vacation days are given to employees to allow them to recharge their batteries, to allow the body to de-stress, decompress a bit and take advantage of what life can give you. Do not forgo these days by pursuing your goals of reaching the top. Many thinks that taking days off shows laziness and by doing so, management will notice and will give away your promotion to someone else. If you understand and believe your value at the company, you wouldn't think this way. Quantity doesn't necessarily mean quality. You can stay at the office 24/7 making others believe you are working your ass off but your performance lacks result. That lack of performance will also be noticed by management and will end up making them wonder what are you really doing 24/7 at the office. Putting more time will just exert your energy quicker and your performance will suffer. Work smart without putting in crazy hours.

If you look at CEO's daily schedule, you will notice a few things in common. They take the time to work on themselves as much as they work for or with the company. They exercise daily, eat well, wake early, manage their time, take time to learn new things, attend seminars, spend time with family, and enjoy their life in the meantime. They do work very hard at work, but they also work very smart and do not believe that putting 20 hours of work daily will increase their productivity. There is no secrets here ladies and gents, you are on your job because you know what you are doing, or at least I hope you do. Always try learning new things, bettering yourself in the process, focusing on projects that will allow you to create new opportunities for yourself and your employer. Take the time for yourself as well and make sure to allow 30 to 60 minutes of physical exercise everyday. Control what goes in your mouth with the food you eat. You have heard the slogan before: "You are what you eat", so, if you eat crappy food, what does that make you? Oh yes, and if you have vacation days, TAKE THEM for god's sakes!

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


 By Daniel A Amzallag

Article Source:  Message From the Universe: Recharge Your Batteries With Some Time Off

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