Make Every Day Better by Your Decision to Be Happy Before the Day Begins

***Did you know that emotions are programmed or shall I say monitored and controlled by our perceptions? That's nothing that you haven't heard before. I'm sure... Though I can be assured in telling you that nobody or nothing can make you happy- BUT YOU! It is you who chooses, or should choose, to have an emotional outburst, outlook or happy expression.~ Everyday we all experience internal self-talk, decide to be a positive moderator. Talk yourself into remembering your victorious accomplishments and feats and be aware of conditions that challenge your progress.

Leave a lasting impression on yourself and on those that you effect. Everyday it is within your power to decide how you choose to handle situations, or outer events that are experienced,replaced or renewed, by your own actions. Make everyday better simply by your decision to be happy before the day begins! Set an intention daily, decide to grace yourself with thoughts of happiness and great potential for progress! The thoughts that follow will be within your emotional control, and given to you, by your own internal counsel. Your intention and outlook will soar in more winning ways than your imagination can foresee. Don't forget to see the warning signs of past defeats and use the signs as counsel and be vigilant when things are done that cause your stress or warning. Foresight is one of your best defenses and be happy to have it and use it wisely and often.

Foresight and outlook when contemplated and done in finesse bear happiness while reaping calculated success and advantage. If you and me decide to make happiness the tone that we desire to engage daily, then what we reflect, eventually will have a ripple-effect on our way of processing challenging or uncomfortable situations. In a defensive sense, foresight is a warning system that again, is a reason to be happy that your internal talk is helping you to be cautious- to utilize and calculate your fate and decisions wisely.

Be of the greatest service to yourself first. By assured by knowing how you want to feel from day to night. What that does is it convinces your mind that it is so much easier to be kind, content than it is to be critical, impatient or being contentious. Also, be sure to listen to balanced self-talk that is coming to you from your heart and not from your ego or from you mind.

Emotional progress is accomplished through one successful feat, lesson or experience at-a-time. My life experience is different then yours, though as long as you and me know that nobody's life is better than another's it's all about the perception that you choose to invite on a daily basis. Yes, some people appear to have everything, though unless and until you can hear the words of their own thoughts and emotions, you will never really know who is happy and who is in pain. Suffice it to say, take the road to joy and watch yourself and your emotions power-up like a toy soldier does for his owner on Christmas Day! I have been privileged to meet, work with, and to interact with many people of different nationalities and cultures! I keep an open mind to learn how wonderful their perceptions have helped them strive and accomplish their dreams by simply deciding to be happy before their day unfolds...

I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~

***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetic- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**



 By Lorie Ann Jermoune

Article Source: Make Every Day Better by Your Decision to Be Happy Before the Day Begins

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