Life Coaching for the Overburdened Client

Life coaches have been around for decades. They hit their stride in the 90s and have been picking up speed ever since. There are coaches for every facet of your life. Perhaps you need a finance coach, or a health coach or a coach to help you with business goals. Regardless of the need you can rest assured there is a coach for every purpose.

So why if you are a reasonably intelligent person who has been figuring things out for yourself, should you spend money on someone to "coach" you?

There may be a lot of reasons for taking a Life Coach on your journey but we will focus on just one.

Ever hear the saying, "Can't see the forest for the trees"?

In our over-scheduled lives and the idea that we must be multi-tasking every minute of the day, it may have become impossible to think clearly, to hear all the messages that are giving us the information we need to pursue and attain our goals. They may be goals we are aware of or there may just be an emptiness that beckons us to find something more in life.

Many of us have gotten away from that quiet time we need to regenerate, to go within and to pull out the information that is already there. For a lot of people the time to go quiet is when they pass out in bed after a hectic day. Dead to the world for a few short hours, only to rise again and start all over with yet another jam-packed 16-18 hours.

Within the hard-wiring of every human being who can distinguish right from wrong, is a powerhouse of answers for every question you could ever ask about your life. We all have a journey to make this lifetime. We all have tasks to accomplish as well as contributions to make to the world that supports us.

Often, we may have thoughts of, "Once life slows down" or "When I have 10 thousand dollars in the bank", or "Once the kids are out of college" and the list goes on and your dreams keep getting pushed to the back burner to be revisited one, two, three, five years from now.

When is it time for you? What if it never comes? Have you thought of the benefits your family and close friends can glean from a happier more abundant you?" When a person is caught up in life and not paying attention to their inner calling, they are a different person than the one who takes the time to listen, to honor what they hear and to put an action plan into play that will take them to a higher, more blissful existence. Perhaps you already know what you want to accomplish but can't get organized enough to take the first step and feel there isn't time in your day to decide what to do first.

A Life Coach is a professional that through a scientifically proven system of listening and questioning, brings to the surface the information the client needs and the thoughts and ideas that have been buried that are necessary to make the shift and put movement to objectives.

More importantly, a client learns the steps to take when they need to get quiet and listen and the Life Coach is not present. Much like 'teaching a man to fish', a Life Coach does not give you the answers but rather helps you find your own answers giving the client a sense of accomplishment and a new set of life tools.

Life Coaching is not Psychology, Psychiatry or any type of medicine. It is a proven process that allows a person to devise their own future without being told how to do so.

It is important as a Life Coach to give clients the skills to go forward and to be able to rely upon their own thinking and intelligence and be self-confident in whatever they choose to accomplish.

 By Cheryl Milbourne

Article Source: Life Coaching for the Overburdened Client

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