Know Your Role on the Global Scale - Promote Peace, Unity and Leave a Legacy for Your Posterity!

Promote what brings you feelings of peace by simple, spontaneous and/or more joyful events. Share what you know others would appreciate receiving from you. Know that everybody wins if you share more of your positive feeling's with them. Oftentimes, too often if you were to ask me, we forget that what we do today affects the children and relatives that we leave behind. With so much happening in today's modern, global, always plugged-into technology, society, we tend to forget to model good character traits to our children. No, this is not going to be one of those types of articles; so please, keep reading...

It requires a lot less commute time, resources or energy, these days, affording the simple pleasure of easily connecting to familiar people and places. In the ease of being social and interactive with friends and family, we get lost somewhere in how we delegate time to spend in their company, really engaging them. Since it is so easy to connect, we should connect with the sole purpose to be present and approachable when in the company of others. Don't let this elude you, schedule available time to devote to the customs and habits that we bring to our ways for socialization. The time that we spend with others, should be uninterrupted, memorable and special. Time scheduled to spend with loved ones and friends is too often overlooked, or we take their availability for granted. Time is fleeting and NO, you do not get that time back, no matter how much you tell yourself differently. Spending enough time with others-- in-person, making direct eye-contact, engaging events or participating in conversations is significant. Actually talking and exchanging glances, laughs, jokes-told in-person, followed by unprompted smiles, with others, is overlooked, unappreciated or underrated. Our role on the global scale is simple. Make MORE time to engage family and friends. Use any and every opportunity to visit or congregate with others experiencing great conversations or sharing meals, done in unity. Leave a legacy for friends and family to know that you contributed to global joy, peace, love and unity- at every opportunity. Know your life was spent sharing with those you chose to pursue or keep connected to you.  You honored other people and openly shared love and space with them! Life has the same amount of time or daily hours, the length of a day is the same for everyone. It's up to us to use each day for sharing more loving acts of kindness, quality time and acting more cohesively as a society. Our young people need to talk to us and to get to know us better more now than ever before in history. Know that we all play a role regarding the Universal truths of PEACE, LOVE, JOY with respect for everybody. Leave a legacy of kindness and respect for your children to emulate. Learn to set the example of how to live by living your life in honesty. Our posterity is watching us, let's hope they learn good habits. And also to learn how to show love and respect for one another, especially when we are no longer around to coach them.

If you were to ask anyone, reaching the end of life, what they regret the most, I'll bet you'd get a broad range of many different answers. They may more stem from an emotive response or even from a spiritual place. These regrets do not stem from career dissatisfaction or unattained monetary accomplishments, NO! People's regrets are from unrequited love, loss of family through death or separation, or from any number of personal accounts. Their regrets are not loving and engaging people often enough. I wish you a happy, healthy, socially gratifying home/family life and an abundance of joy. Enjoy more quality time by engaging people, do it more than you ever have before! You and me should leave our kids, relatives and the rest of posterity a good view of how we conducted ourselves during the time they knew us-- before our demise.  Time is so precious be wise with your social time and make the time to enjoy people. places and events while you are healthy and able to influence them in positive ways. Even long after we are gone, no longer interacting with others, on the planet, we want our heart-loving expressive energy to outlive us. Let your loving acts or heartfelt words of kindness continue to uplift another or to comfort others by words of wisdom, encouragement or empathy. Let others make the connection for what you contributed to make their lives more informed, and be able to recall long after you're gone and resting somewhere. (Heaven, right?)

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!~

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~

***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**


 By Lorie Ann Jermoune

Article Source: Know Your Role on the Global Scale - Promote Peace, Unity and Leave a Legacy for Your Posterity!

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