Is It Your Idea Or Someone Else's?

A light bulb moment! The one that we always use to refer to that great, million dollar idea. It seems like it came out of nowhere. Just a flash of inspiration and it's like it was all there. In detail.

Sure, you had been thinking about this for some time, most recently with a little more intensity. Then boom! There it was, like the blueprint was magically handed to you, just waiting for you to make it.

Let's say you actually put action to the idea and make it. Then rush to get a patent to protect your brainchild. Then comes the shocking surprise, that someone has already filed a patent. How could this be? The surprise is almost too much to bear. What is the explanation?

Scientific studies, in one instance from MIT, would claim that brainwaves are too weak to travel far, and could never compete with radio waves for example. Another article* dealing with the "ether" and "speed of thought" offers sufficient material for consideration to the contrary.

Many studies have been done during the last 30 years that continue to offer substantial proof of the power of thought. One of the best *sources I have found citing many different experiences over many years can be found *below.

So what is the point? Thoughts, ideas, travel, and not just in circles inside your head. They are not just weak signals as compared to radio waves, but are received both consciously and unconsciously at great distances. While current experiments have been done using computers to help translate the message to the brain of participants from India to France, those using no such mechanical means are some of the most interesting.

So what is the possibility of picking up random thoughts of another, never realizing they were not 100 percent your own? Consider the conscious effort involved thinking intently about a particular project, idea, or challenge. Is it possible the more concentrated those efforts are they could attract similar thoughts?

Many experiments have been done with telepathy, transmitting thoughts from one person to another over short distances with success. Mind reading has normally been relegated to parlor tricks, so is not seriously considered in truly transmitting thoughts from one person to another.

Some will have a hard time relating thoughts to prayer or anything spiritual. For many a prayer is a conversation with God. No special words or phrases were ever necessary, and in fact Jesus clearly stated that those who did nothing more than call on his name would be given an eternal life with him.

So it seems all this could be boiled down to intent. In whatever mode it is intended, through prayer, a spiritual effort, a sincere desire, shamanic rituals, as an old saying goes, it's the thought that counts.

There will always be the "naysayers" who refuse to accept anything that doesn't have some logical explanation. These surely are the distant offspring of those who claimed the world was flat, of those who poisoned such as Socrates for bringing about change.

Go ahead and laugh, shake your head, but be careful what you're thinking because you never know where it could end up. Whoever coined the phrase, "A penny for your thoughts." was trying to get off cheap! At least in some cases where there was actual value involved.

Since it has also been proven that most hide out in thoughts of past history, which being in the past are as dead as the doornail, thoughts of value are in the big minority. So it can be said that the possibility of capturing that million dollar thought may have odds of say... a billion to one?

I've got some serious thinkin' to do.

*Resources: Article link to speed of thought Realityshifters

Alan is a charter "Boomer", a Viet Nam veteran, grandfather of 13, resides in Florida and Ecuador, works with coffee farmers and writes about whatever pops into his mind. He loves to build and ride recumbent bikes, play racquetball, write, and talks to anything that does not move fast enough! The twinkle in his eye is a combination of the sun, and an active sense of humor.

The desire to encourage others is being answered through the Internet.

 By Alan Jarrett

Article Source: Is It Your Idea Or Someone Else's?

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