Here are my 3 steps to getting your motivation back and waking up happy.
1. Be honest - It's OK to feel like this. You don't need to ignore how you feel or lie about it. It's better to speak up and talk about how you are feeling. Don't keep it bottled up. You don't need to tell everyone, but acknowledge how you are feeling and be honest with yourself and those closest to you.
2. Make a date with someone - It's so tempting at a time like this to hide away. To cancel plans or not make any new plans. You may not feel like meeting up with people at all, you will probably prefer to avoid the questions and having to explain what you are doing and how you are feeling. But hiding away isn't going to do you any good. Just because you are feeling like this, doesn't mean you are not good company. You need to get out and see new places, meet friends, be in inspiring surroundings. By doing this, you will find that your enthusiasm comes back and you may even have moments of inspiration which will put you right back on track.
3. Take action - By doing nothing, by going back to bed or avoiding people, you are being a victim and are allowing defeat to take over you. Don't let how you are feeling stop you from taking even a small step of action. Do something that makes you feel good. Clean out drawers, give unwanted items to charity and de clutter your life. Sign up to a personal development course. Arrange a coffee with your best friend. Book a yoga workshop. Do whatever it is that will lift your mood.
It is important to realise that these periods in our lives where we feel lost, lacking motivation and even feel like we are falling behind, can actually be good times. They can give us the space, the time and the opportunity we need to grow.
I am a Personal Development Coach and I help people to become the people they are capable of being. To release whatever it getting in the way and holding them back. Call me on 07760144405 and we can do some amazing work together.
By Laura Jane Hand
Article Source: How To Become Motivated When You Want To Stay In Bed