How Do Quality Leaders CONTROL A Potential Crisis?

Some individuals in positions of leadership, appear to consistently be moving from one perceived crisis to another! Whether these are as urgent as they perceive is often doubtful, but, nevertheless, merely perceiving things, as such, often becomes debilitating to effectively leading. On the other hand, there often comes times, when something is truly, either a crisis, or may become so, if left unaddressed! These potential crises, often differentiate between true leaders and wannabes, and the real ones act as leaders must, while the others, often panic, over - react, or are ill - prepared, to create, develop and implement a relevant action plan! Let's review some of the ways, quality leaders CONTROL a potential crisis.

1. Character; clever; creative: Many times, one only truly discovers the true character of someone, when there are challenges, obstacles, needs, and concerns. After all, it's easy to be all smiles and cheer, when everything is going great! One must be ready, willing and able, to think outside - the - box, when appropriate, and be clever, in his perceptions, and planning. It may take a degree of creativity, and understanding the same - old, same - old, may need to be replaced with alternatives!

2. Options: One of the basics of professional planning, is to always create back - ups, Plan B, and/ or contingencies, that you are prepared to implement, if conditions indicate doing so. Obviously, this means, one must remain open - minded, and willing to consider options and alternatives.

3. Needs: It's not genuine leadership, if what you are proposing fails to consider carefully, and address needs, concerns and priorities! How will you be able to do so, unless you listen and observe, effectively?

4. Timely: Quite often, the over - riding factor, which determines one's success (versus less than stellar results), is being ready and willing, to take timely, relevant action. You will never be able to control or affect what happens, if you fall back on procrastination!

5. Relevant: How will you determine what is, or is not relevant? Relevant to whom? A true leaders seeks to address this, in terms of his organization, and those he serves!

6. Originality; opportunities: Broaden your personal comfort zone, before you start leading! Limiting your comfort zone, limits your possibilities and options! True leaders exhibit distinguished and determined originality, and recognize the best opportunities, which present themselves!

7. Listen; learn; leadership: Use your ears more than your mouth, and listen to others, in a welcoming, open - minded way! Learn from everything you hear and see! Exhibit quality leadership, by taking charge of situations, and avoiding crises and problems, by perceiving them as challenges and obstacles!

A crisis rarely helps any group! Avoid this type of defensive leadership, by using your abilities to seek a positive, directed way, to CONTROL potential circumstances!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: How Do Quality Leaders CONTROL A Potential Crisis?

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