Happiness and Joy Are Neither Exclusive or As Elusive As You Might Think!

***Remember having the ability to find joy in anything? A simpler time- Do you recall when looking forward to sleeping late on Friday evening and Saturday morning was a real treat? Eating ice cream on Sunday, after church services and bible school, was a joyful event most coveted by you as a child? Well, maybe that's more of my memory than yours, though you get the picture, I'm sure! Appreciating simple things is a way that I like to remember what events brought me joy and happiness as a young, school-age child.

Living in simpler times, when it was a breeze, like a blink or a sneeze to find joy by accomplishing the most mundane of things- Joy was so much easier to attain as a kid. I remember when you could command a happy engaging attitude from just a small habit or ritual. Whether a memory, a family tradition, habit or way of rewarding oneself, do things in child-like ways, to bring joy back to yourself again! It does not take a vast amount of resources, materials, or money to obtain or purchase goods or service that you seek to engage, to start, or for you to partake and enjoy a happy, joyful expression, or at least, it shouldn't. NO!

Commanding happiness and joy can be as simple as watching and counting the many different number and amount of winter birds flying over your house. ( I ENJOY NATURAL OCCURRENCES AND MIGRATORY ACTION- I can WATCH it for hours) JoyFUL events can be attained by baking a chocolate cake from scratch and sharing with friends or family. How about dancing? Get happy by dancing to nostalgic music or by playing the piano, just like you did as a child! Enjoy washing your own car, doing it the old-fashioned way, not by going to the drive-through car wash. Once you get the tires and rims shiny, buff the exterior, clean your upholstery with leather cleaner, add a scented figurine and station it on your dashboard or console; the senses get happy by the energy and joy you extended to your automobile.

It's in the simple acts, of your own accomplishments, and effort, kindness or improvement that you can extend or gain contentment. Your input towards improving your own environment requires for you to participate in doing something for your own enjoyment. Do things habitually that bring you cause for joy and celebration. Celebrate at any time of day or night. Eat birthday cake, even when it's not your birthday. Share a dinner plate with your retired neighbor, while it's still fresh and hot. Tell them you wanted an excuse to come by and visit them.

Joy is neither as exclusive or as elusive as you might think. As always, happiness is more of a channel that you alone choose to dial, there's no right or wrong station, it's more about the mental state of joy that is sought. Joy is felt through what you engage, partake or express. You emit vibrations of joy and happiness to your heart and bring joy to yourself! The joyful vibration of contentment is all within each and everyone to express.

Express contentment daily, and often. Watch the contentedness of the world around you appreciate the heartfelt energy that you emitted- feel it circle back to you! We all know, love and seek happy people! Seek happy people daily, you can easily recognize their joyful, contagious voice and character. The LOUD BOOM, BOOM BEAT of a healthy, happy heart rhythm beating joyfully is so contagious, soothing and exciting that you want to express your happiness and excitement with another living, breathing soul! Animals enjoy happy people too! Doesn't your dog or cat's heartbeat get you happy when you share your affection with them?

I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~

***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**



By Lorie Ann Jermoune

Article Source: Happiness and Joy Are Neither Exclusive or As Elusive As You Might Think!

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