Get Version 1.0 Into the Marketplace

Some people will follow many different people when trying to learn how to build their business. Imagine following 5 different people who are offering you suggestions on how to drive.

One person will say stick shift, one person will say automatic, one person will say both hands on the wheel, one person will say you only need one hand on the wheel and one person will say both hands at the 10 and 2 position... I think you get my point right?

When you follow different people you end up confused, you use too many different products and eventually you suffer information overload.

Naturally, every single person you follow will have their own method and their own beliefs as to what is the right and wrong way to do things.

You have to pick what's right for you and start building.

When you first get started it's going to be messy. No doubt about it.

Just get started and you will get better as you learn.

Just get a basic website up and going.

Just get your first squeeze page setup.

Just start creating content to attract your audience.

With all of these things version 1.0 will be messy.

There is no perfect way to do it.

The more action you take and the more consistent you get with what you're doing is how your business will grow.

Success is a lot of small things done over a long period of time.

I often see people stop themselves from moving forward because they're trying to get everything perfect before they start.

See the point is I had no clue what I was doing. I just took action before I had time to over think it.

So here's my challenge for you.

Just take action on something you've learned recently. Don't worry about the outcome.

When you focus on the outcome and get so stuck on nailing it the first time you often stop yourself from doing it.

I've made this mistake so many times myself over the years. Then once I just took action and did the thing that scared me I felt better.

Just focus on consistently taking action regardless of the outcome.

The more consistent you get over a period of time the better you will become, the more popular you will get and the faster your life will change.

If you've been purchasing products and learning you have enough knowledge already to get going and start producing results.

The person who just keeps marching in one direction and makes tweaks to what they're doing when they hit obstacles will always out produce the person who keeps stopping and starting.

Get my free E-Book "7 Steps to Internet Marketing"

 By Sheldon Mohl

Article Source: Get Version 1.0 Into the Marketplace

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