Faith: Can A Lack Of Self-Awareness Cause Someone To Lose Faith In Humanity?

If one was to watch the news or to listen to it on the radio, there is strong chance that they will hear about something negative that is taking place in the world. And while this could be to do with something Mother Nature has done, it could be the result of what a human being (or number of them) has done.

But even though one could have this experience if they were to do this, it doesn't mean that they won't have a similar experience if they were to do something else. One talk to a friend about what has been taking place in their life and they could also have something that is just as bad to share.

Or, this person could talk about what has been taking place with the person they are with, and how they have been taken advantage of them. Now, this could be the first time this has occurred, but it could be something has happened on numerous occasions.

Upon hearing this, one could begin to think about the people who have treated them badly in the past. Perhaps they have been with people who are abusive, and they might even be with someone like this now.

It's Easy
What this shows is that it doesn't take a lot of effort to see what is not right or what hasn't been right in the past. And if one has some kind of device, they can just go online and come into contact with these kinds of stories.

Having this option will allow them to have a greater understanding of what is taking place around them and what is taking place around the world. After going online and looking through this information, one could soon wonder what is going on.

Going Down
During this time, their mood could end up deteriorating, and they could feel the need to escape into something. Maybe, one could end up watching a film, or they could go and get something to eat.

And, this could be something that takes place on a regular basis's, and it could then be said that it will disrupt the rest of their life. But even if this doesn't take place, it could have an effect how they see the rest of humanity.

One could come to believe that there are not many people in the world who have the right intentions. It is then not just that the world is in a mess; it is that the majority of people who live in the world are not up to the task of changing it.

In fact, most people can be seen as playing an active role in making it even worse. Based on this outlook, it is going to be normal for them to have lost their faith in humanity.

A Select Few
If one was to think about their family and friends, for instance, they could find that these people are different. Unlike the majority of people, they are not going to be doing what they can to destroy the planet.

But even though this is the case, their attention is going to be consumed by the people who are not like this. Therefore, if one was surrounded by people who were different, their outlook is still going to be the same.

Stepping Back
However, if one has lost their faith in humanity, it doesn't mean that it's because of what is taking place in the world. What it can come down to is that they are allowing their mind to control them.

As result of this, it is not that what is out there needs to change; what it comes down to is that they need to develop the ability to detach from what is taking place within them. Without this ability, it is it not going to be possible for them to get back into the driver's seat, so to speak.

A Closer Look
It has been said that the mind views things as being either black or white, and it is more likely to focus on the negative than the positive. With this in mind, it doesn't take too much thought to see why it would cause one to lose faith in humanity.

Their mind is not interested in seeing that not everything is black and white, and it is looking for what is negative. What is also going to play a part here is when one is unable to step back from their emotions.

The Truth
How they feel when they are exposed to something negative is going to define what they come to believe, or it will validate what they already believe. One is not going to be able to realise that these are just feelings, and that they don't necessarily reflect reality.

The way in which they view the world is then going to be the result of how they feel in each moment. Said another way, if one is feeling emotionally unstable, the world is going to be no different.

When one is able to see how the mind works and they don't get caught up in how they feel, it will give them the opportunity to see that not everyone is the same. And even if someone does do something bad, they don't represent everyone.

Ultimately, the world is made up of all types of people, and it could be said that this is how it has always been. Today's technology has given people the chance to find out about things that they wouldn't have heard about before, but that doesn't therefore mean that the world has suddenly got worse.

It could also be said that when one has 'lost faith in humanity', they are putting themselves in a superior position. One is then going to see themselves as being more capable than most people.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand two hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.

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By Oliver JR Cooper 

Article Source:  Faith: Can A Lack Of Self-Awareness Cause Someone To Lose Faith In Humanity?

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