Even If It Is Trouble To Do, Gratitude Is Power

Some of the greatest moments come after the worst has happened. For indeed, gratitude is the best medicine where failure is involved, because you can learn a genuine lesson and do better next time. As for the finality of a situation, as long as energy exists and changes form like the caterpillar into the butterfly, there is not any real such thing as the "final quit". Seemingly realistically, failure is something you cannot do anything about when it happens. What you do after failure though is up to you genuinely as "everybody loves a winner, and when you lose, you lose alone."

When you are alone, you can plot a great comeback instead of genuinely giving up. It is sort of like the spark within a "dead fire" reigniting the fire after it has completely went out. My point is that reality works like that. It is why many great people say, never really give up, even when it is over.

This may or may not be the best, most motivating article I can write. One thing is for certain though, you are whipped only when you think you are whipped.

I have a friend, who, at sixty-six years old has aspirations to be in the medical field and do things wonderful with his life still. I do not fault him, I praise him. For the best things come to those who do not acknowledge failure, except for a temporary version of change and reformation.

So, I am grateful for my life, and although I used to see failure as final. Now, and for quite a while now, I see all failure as something I can use to better myself next time (a slip and not a permanent fall or break up). For if you look at things realistically, some of the greatest successes made their greatest profits and riches after their initial temporary failures. Although, at the time you fail, it seems like more, it is not. On the other hand, lucky first time success without future repeatable success is ultimately a failure, really. But, success with experience and temporary failure behind it is repeatable genuinely and viable. Indeed, with that sort of success comes genuine understanding and ability to repeat the success.

I look at how many current professional sports teams approach winning and losing now. If the coach initially loses games, they do not give the coach a chance to build a winning record. The owners just fire them without giving them a chance to adjust their strategies and win. If they are winners in their first season "luckily", give them a large, long contract and "praise them big" for their initial streak. In my opinion, and in a lot of reality, this is the wrong approach.

Real winning is development, seeming failure, experience, then success in that order. I hope somehow, I have made myself clear in this article and somehow exposed how reality really works. Indeed, let us do the process properly, and not depend on luck, initial success or nonsense like "they are an overnight, break out star!" Let us all be realistic and win realistically.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

 By Joshua Clayton

Article Source: Even If It Is Trouble To Do, Gratitude Is Power

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