Our thoughts are habits, our beliefs and the expectations around our beliefs are habit too. We've been living this way for so long we don't even realize how we are limiting ourselves to experience the same type of life we've always had. In order to change up the daily life experience we must start fresh. Like cooking a new meal includes new ingredients, so must you have new ingredients for a new life.
What are these new ingredients? Are you aware of what you think all day long, each and every day? Pay attention to what is going on in your head. Stop numerous times each day and tune in, listen to the conversation going on between your ears. Are you surprised? If you are totally honest with yourself about what you are thinking throughout the day you will be shocked. Recently I read a report that discovered that we are "conscious", aware of what we are actually thinking, believing and doing, only about 5% of the time. It went on to state that 95% of our beliefs are subconscious, meaning we are not even noticing them or aware of their power in our lives. It further stated that 70% of these beliefs do NOT support the changes we want in our lives, rather, they sabotage our dreams!
Here is where creating a new life begins, in your head, between your ears. Without weeding out the old beliefs and planting new ideas there that actually support the life you want, you will continue with a left over life. New ideas are plentiful so look around for one that actually represents what you want.
If you are struggling with prosperity don't simply think you want more money. Imagine wealth. What does it look like, feel like? How do you enjoy being wealthy? If you are struggling with body size don't just wish to weigh less. Replace those beliefs about how food makes you fat with ideas of being slimmer and eating food that delights you and fuels your body with perfect health.
Within your right now is all the power you need to create the life you dream of. Go within and add all the ingredients that will result in a fantastic adventure.
Donna DeVane writes on life challenges and struggles as well as hosts radio programs and video. Take part in your own well being by visiting http://www.ConsciousnessPower.com
Find out how you can move from a life of struggle and just surviving to Full Throttle Thriving.
By Donna Devane
Article Source: Don't Live a Leftover Life