Now, here is the part that makes this a hypnosis/neuro-linguistic programming article: What if everything went in a "comfortable way" without imagination, change or new things happening for change? Then everything would just go down. I mean look at every empire that went for comfort, lethargy, and establishment leadership from Egypt, Kush, Greece and Rome, before and after and on. They fell or went "belly up to the dust" ultimately. Revolution is a good thing at times to really keep things imaginatively alive.
Realistically, genuine eternal values that last forever can genuinely adapt and change and get better in the game of reality. What do you think neuro-linguistic programming modeling is about anyway, change and adaptation in a good way with ideas that work that are not or are your own but adapted to you ultimately.
Revolution is the way it is, evolution is the way it is. The positively new is a good thing, while negative stagnant establishments are bad. Let us face it. Adaptation is strength, while rigidity and nepotism are weakness. We could see that with the later Pharoahs and the Caesar families in Rome and Egypt. So, I will say this with great risk to myself: New blood makes things better, new ideas make things better and a constant awakening keeps things eternal. Think about that statement for a moment, is that not true. Why do you think those fifty-two "criminals" including George Washington, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock are still considered firebrands of a sort to this day with those ideas like the Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of The United States? Change and adaptive modeling may not always be pretty, but it is necessary for survival, this I am certain of: All existence is not an exception in reality.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.
By Joshua Clayton
Article Source: Certainty: The Way It Is