Believing Dreams Will Come True

Until when will you believe? What if you did everything you could, while believing, and still nothing's happening? What will you do?

A. Let go?

B. Continue believing?

C. Work on something else?

I read somewhere that writing your goals will make it real for you. So, one time in December 2012, I wrote my goals, with a timeline. I felt superman powers that day that I thought by just writing all my very specific goals down (date with events), God will hear it and He will make it come true for me! Yes, like magic!

I believed that.

I believed it truly that every day, I'd look at my list and would excitedly imagine it happening soon! Every morning I'd read my list and I'd pray for it.

Do you know what happened? Two out of the seven items came true! And guess what?! with exact time (month and year) and events!

Was it magic? Was it just perfect timing? Was it pure luck? or Was it because I believed?

What do you think?

But, you know what? to this day I have not let go. I continue to believe that my five other items will come true soon!

I have to tell you though that even if I'd look at my list still, daily, and pray for it, I made sure to leave my concerns, worries and issues in God's hands.

Sister Teresa of Calcutta heard the voice of God while traveling by train, she believed it. She said it was a call within a call that she was to serve the poor in the slums. She asked permission, and even if it took a while for the permission to be granted, she didn't lose hope. She said, it wasn't her will, it's God's will. She continued to believe, and the rest was history.

It is fun to dream! It is fun to look ahead and see the possibilities that are in store for us! It is fun to believe!

As the days passed by in December 2012 and no event was happening, I knew there was nothing I could do if it wasn't time yet. It will never be because I will it, it was all about God's will, all according to His perfect timing.

Friends, there are three important things to think about here:

First, I hope we learn to let go. Not to let go of our dreams, but to let go of worrying, anxiety and self-righteousness. If it is meant to be, God will make all our dreams come true for us. Right?

Second, I hope we will continue to believe in the beauty of our dreams. There will be a lot of times when we feel nothing is happening, but I believe that something within has started to grow, it just hasn't shown in reality yet, but it is coming. It is coming soon!

Third, I hope we won't get fixated that we forget to work on something else! Enjoy life! Show up! Have fun! There is more to life than our dreams! Do something else! Embrace life's other surprises!

I thank God for options and alternatives.

My five items didn't happen as planned. There were a lot of detours, diversions, stopovers, interruptions, challenges, and threats.

But, looking back now, it was beautiful! It was beautiful because it also came with a lot of hope, opportunities, lessons, joy and awesome surprises!

Just like Sister Teresa of Calcutta, let us not lose hope.

If God meant our dreams to come true,  it will be in an easy and relaxed manner, in His perfect timing and for the highest good of all.

May all our dreams be blessed.


Day 5

A Filipino storyteller.

A lifelong learner.

A miracle believer.

A passionate writer.

A trainer and speaker.

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A gem.

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 By Maria Gemma Hilotin

Article Source: Believing Dreams Will Come True

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