Being in Bliss Begins in Small Increments - Fed and Harvested Seeds Sow Manna and Accomplishments

***Happiness is a great feat or a big mess that you find unattainable- NONSENSE!

Happiness is a lot more than just a guess at what motivates you to feel content, satisfied, validated or justified. Even though happiness is your way of feeling peaceful, serene or good, the reason for happiness is always relative and individual. No matter what brings you happiness- It's a personal thing- Subjective and Non-negotiable.

Be wary of the way that you allow yourself to be affected by outer situations or other people's silliness. Omit or eliminate the charge that others have to push your buttons.Folks if other people don't understand what inspires or drives you to continue to place all, if not most of your focus, on your artistic expression, let it be of service in the form of a lesson to you as well as to them- What you choose to do is nobody's business. How you choose to live is what will bring you the results that you get, give and bring back to yourself.

Give yourself the chance to ignite the flames or to fan the embers of what brings you the most peace, joy or fulfills your heart the most. That is a positive way of experiencing happiness everyday. Fulfilling and inviting a soothing feeling, by the energy released through your heart beat is a great accomplishment. Don't take the expression lightly! Enjoy soothing your soul and senses, if you can make another person content through your own joy, that's the icing on your proverbial cake! Perhaps you can enjoy the melodic vibrations and intonations of music that transpires an immediate, calming energy to begin your day. Or you like deciphering the lyrics of songs from artists that you admire, it's wonderful to be able to command or flip the switch to the channel that brings happiness back to yourself- where it has always lived.

We started our lives as happy babies and happy children until we learned from others how to be discontent and angry. Having child-like joy is not so far from your hearts' origin and wish to be happy and content. Enjoy being content in the context of your life.

Experience more feelings of gratitude through the small gifts that life has given you, even if only in small increments. Reasons for being in bliss begin in small measure that when fed and harvested will sow and grow big feats or accomplishments. Know that everyday we are all sowing seeds into our own enriched, ripe,and toiled soil in preparation of a harvest. Be assured that not only farmers are responsible for the harvest that is reaped, for the manna that you are served, so are you and so are we collectively.

If you sow a harvest of deceit, cheating, lying, stalking, blocking, copying, and stealing, those are the seeds growing the roots for the harvest that you will assuredly reap and eat. You have grown the crop of your own effort for manna. Manna is another word for food or fuel that is harvested by what you invite, allow or bring to yourself, this was done through your past actions. Thoughts,acts,effort, and energy produced a harvest that was all planted by what you planted, watered, toiled and in the seeds that were sown.

Harvest a crop of healthy grains and sweet fruit. The fruit that you plant today will lead to your deeds or demons. It's not our place to understand what motivates another to be disgusting or dishonest, after all there are demons that need to be quelled everywhere. People can choose to deal with their own angels or demons as they wish. In just as much measure that there are demons, there are angels too. It's up to you to follow the ones that suit you best. Angels have higher standards. Angels are good people and acts that bring joy and happiness from hard work and perseverance. Demons are also people we emulate or through the words that we follow by our inner self-talk or guidance. This force is in contrast to our inborn energy force that if left unregulated gets corrupt. A corrupt ego, when not in balance with self-modulation, individual effort and healthy energy, creates false illusions of reality and invites shame.

We all have free will. We are individually empowered to follow who and what energy we find resonates with our personality, and the qualities that we wish to emulate. Lower forms or energy require less work and effort. People who have established a life-time of manipulation and underhanded ways to achieve their means have their own demons that won't even defend them, because that's called insanity.

After all, they have their own demons to contend with, which have been brought into their Universe by their own acts of aggrandizement and dissatisfaction. Jealousy is a messy and lousy deceiving demon that needs attention. Jealousy stems from feelings of inadequacy, incorrect assumptions, aggrandizement or entitlement at its' lowest form.

No single person owns all of the abundance on the planet- At least nobody that is still living. Thankfulness and contentment with our own life work and effort gives us a reason to be happy. Abundance, in any positive form, can enable us to climb hurdles, attaining feats of joy like we have never experienced before! I wish you abundant joy and happiness. May all of your dreams come to you, in a healthy way, with the energy of your own ideas, creativity or hard work..

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~

***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**



 By Lorie Ann Jermoune

Article Source: Being in Bliss Begins in Small Increments - Fed and Harvested Seeds Sow Manna and Accomplishments

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