Be What You Are As I Will Be What I Am

In life, the real losers genuinely want to be someone else that seems to be winning. Recently, I was taking a good look at those places in my life that I need and want to practice what I preach about winning, and found many things in my life that want and need improvement. Although this is going to be a soul bearer, here is this article: Today, I was thinking and feeling envious thoughts about my position in life compared to other people my age and somewhat younger and somewhat older, and realized that "many have it better than I do", yet I realized that "many have it worse than I do", then I realized that both viewpoints are definitely not real, that we are what we genuinely understand we are.

The real mess here is that all points of view outside of myself are wrong, and that the human mind is capable of curing the problems of the human mind through genuine honesty with itself, logic and realistic thinking. Indeed, Dr. Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D. (Birth name: Nathan Blumenthal) had one thing right, objective based self-esteem is the nervous system protection of the mind and mental structure. Here is where I am coming from with all of this I am writing: When you want to be "someone else that is a winner" even for one second or one minute, that is a disease, that is a sickness germ, call it envy, call it jealousy, whatever, it all has the same poison core of unnatural, unrealistic diseased thought.

I had to get rid of that disease within myself fully and realistically once in for all, like an alcoholic (I was an alcoholic too, for a while, by the way, until I realized my Uncle, William Eugene Porter, who I was very close to for better or worse until the time he died in 1995 was an alcoholic, and I had to face facts in life. I do not drink at all anymore by the way.) has a final drink and never touches it again for a second. I started by going over and over in my mind what was good about my reality and focusing on what was worthwhile about my life at a very deep, personal level discarding the unreal and the bad until I got back to an even keel in my soul.

A week ago, I had a debilitating cold virus that felt almost the same as this "envious disease of the mind" only it was physical. It lasted exactly four days and ended just as quick as it came. After this happened, the searching of my soul and spirit started with that feeling of envy, jealousy, and unrealistic thoughts momentarily ending today with the decision to be as happy as I make up my mind to be, whatever the circumstance. So with both my spiritual and physical nervous systems strong, ready to fight, and eager to live, I go forward with existence, life and all of the rest of it in a strong way.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

 By Joshua Clayton

Article Source: Be What You Are As I Will Be What I Am

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