Be Always on God's Side or Pray For God to Come to Your Side

You might have heard about the competition between St Peter and Satan.

If not, please read now.

Once Satan invited St Peter and challenged him to a football game. St Peter was wonderstruck. How Satan could challenge when his defeat is certain.

Peter asked Satan, "Heaven versus Hell? Do you really want this match?"

"yes"said Satan.

Peter said,"But please understand that all the best players are with me in heaven. So how could you win? You are going to lose."

For this Satan replied," Don't worry. I have all the referees with me in hell!"

It is very common that the evil forces will always challenge the good men.

So, what would be Peter's reply?

"Oh! God is on my side and I am always on God's side"

Needless to say that Satan ran away from Peter.

One who is always on God's side, he is certain that God would take care of him.

There is a story regarding an agreement between God and a devotee.

The devotee had to climb a rocky mountain. He prayed God for help. God appeared before him. There was an agreement. God should accompany him so that he could go forward with courage.

He started. There were four footprints. He was glad that God is coming along with him. God's footprints was visible. After sometime the path was very rough. He could not go further. Suddenly at that moment he saw only two footprints.

He cried, "Oh! God! So far you came along with me. Now I am seeing only two footprints. Where have You gone? You have not honored the agreement You had let me down."

God appeared before him and said, "Oh! Dear, the footprints you are seeing now is that of mine. So far I came along by your side. Now since the path is rough, I took you on my shoulders. That is why your footprints are not there!"

Devotee realized that God's grace is abundant.

God has never broken a promise ever spoken!

There is a big cathedral in Lubeck, Germany. Inside the cathedral there are many inscriptions. One of the inscriptions is a poem. The poem is this:

Ye call Me Master and obey Me not,

You call Me light and see Me not,

Ye call Me way and walk not,

You call Me life and desire Me not,

Ye call Me wise and follow Me not,

You call Me fair and love Me not,

Ye call Me rich and ask Me not,

You call Me eternal and seek Me not,

Ye call Me gracious and trust Me not,

You call Me noble and serve Me not,

Ye call Me mighty and honor Me not,

You call Me just and fear Me not,

If I condemn you, blame Me not.

A man may be equal to many zeros, buy if God comes to his rescue, He will stand before the zeros and his will value will increase. If he equals to, say, twelve zeros with God in front of the zeros his value will be one trillion.

If anybody says to you, 'God is nowhere', you may immediately retort saying, 'with correct perspective if you see, God is verily there. Split the letters correctly and you will read 'God is now here'!'

God is all-pervading. Egoless. Ever helpful. Everlasting. Immeasurable. Omnipotent. Omniscient

Be on God's side. Or pray God to come to your side!

Nagarajan has written more than 3000 articles in Tamil in 18 magazines and published 52 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine articles, seminars, courses. He has covered various subjects in his wide range of articles which include Mantras, Yantras, Yoga, Meditation, Astrology, Astronomy, Space Science, Science and Spirituality, Hollywood cinema, Women's progress, Aura, Significance of Colors, Reincarnation, Divine Geometry, Power of Prayer etc. As an ardent seeker of Truth, he has collected scientific experiments on mantras, mind, Auto suggestion etc. He has written many articles on para psychology also.

 By Santhanam Nagarajan

Article Source: Be Always on God's Side or Pray For God to Come to Your Side


Informations From: Taun17

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