Arthritis Sufferers Must Learn to Say No

It can be hard for arthritis sufferers to say no. It is not unusual for them to feel inferior because they are always in pain and stressed out. So, saying no is an important part of managing their lives and energy levels.

Therefore, we must take care of ourselves and only we can do that for ourselves. One way of doing that is by saying NO and meaning it. It is a matter of feeling less pain and being in better health or feeling overwhelmed.

There are many reasons to say no. However, some of the more familiar reasons for saying no are as follows:
• You're having a bad pain day;
• You're done too much already;
• The situation that you will be going too is too stressful for you;
• You feel overwhelmed;

There are many benefits to saying NO. Here are a few of the more obvious ones for arthritis sufferers:

• You'll feel less fatigue;
• You'll feel less overwhelmed;
• You'll feel less pain;
• You'll be more relaxed.

Given the benefits of saying NO, you can't afford not to say no often. So, practise doing so in all situations that overwhelm you.

However, there is nothing harder than saying NO and not budging because of familial pressures. Our family can unconsciously cause us a lot of additional guilt and frustration. However, you just have to stay firm in your commitment to your health and well-being. That way, you will experience less pain and enjoy life more.

Not only do you expect yourselves to do too much, but everyone around you also expects you to do so much. Try not to do that to yourself. Instead, say NO and mean it. Don't buckle under pressure or pouting from family members. Realize how childish that is. After all, if you don't take care for yourself, who will? And remember, ultimately you teach others how to treat you through your own actions towards yourself.

The worse thing that you can do is to say NO and then get bullied into doing something that you know will hurt you later on just to keep people happy. Again, listen to your body and intuition. If your gut is telling you that something is too much, it probably is. You MUST trust it. So, honour yourself by listening to your intuition and doing something about how you are feeling if you are in pain or tired.

You should try not to be overly concerned with friction. People can be unintentionally unkind sometimes, especially if they are looking out for themselves. So, you have to look out for yourself. And this is one way to do so. Just say no!

There are many benefits to saying no and meaning it. Here is a list of a few:
• You will be respecting your health and well-being.
• You will feel less overwhelmed, frustrated and out of control.
• You will be drawing boundaries with others.
• You will listen to what your intuition and body is telling you.
• You won't be as tired and in pain.
• You will sleep better.

By learning to say no, you will be pacing yourself and honouring yourself at the same time. This goes a long way towards helping to cope with the pain and fatigue of living with a chronic illness. Even making one or two small changes in your life could make such a huge difference. All you have to do is to learn to say no and you will definitely be happier.

Irene S. Roth writes extensively on different aspects of arthritis. She has a whole range of e-books available for a small price. To learn more about how to deal with pain and create a happy and fulfilled life, even if you experience arthritis pain, please double click on this link

 By Irene Roth

Article Source: Arthritis Sufferers Must Learn to Say No

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