Are You Willing/Able To Be A COOPERATIVE Leader?

Have you ever noticed, some new leaders seem to want to force their philosophy, agenda, approach, etc, upon their constituents, while others seem to seek to have a meeting of the minds, where various factions, etc, look for common ground, rather than focusing solely on their differences? Those using an adversarial approach, often end up polarizing the group, and adding negativity and mistrust, to the mix, while those willing and/ or able to be COOPERATIVE leaders, foster far less bias and prejudice, because their priorities are the best interests of the organization as a whole! This may seem obvious, yet we often witness far more individuals who fall into the first category, than the second. Only when a leader seeks to be cooperative, do we end up with the positive environment, needed to fairly address issues, concerns, priorities and perceptions!

1. Character; creative: The crux of this discussion, is a true leader exhibits the quality of character, which makes groups seek solutions, rather than merely blaming and complaining! True leaders must be positive and realistic, while also being sufficiently creative, to be able to think - outside - the - box, in order to transform fears and concerns, to positive efforts and viable solutions!

2. Originate; original: Are you willing and able, to originate alternative ideas and plans, focusing on enhancing the organization? Cooperative leaders realize it is far better to be original, than to try to be a carbon - copy, of others!

3. Options; opportunities: One can either limit the possibilities, by insisting to remain within the limitations of his comfort zone, or can look beyond, in order to expand the options. Once there are greater alternatives, wise leaders become ready, willing and able to recognize and take advantage of, the best opportunities!

4. Priorities; preferences; planning: Examine one's priorities, and you will generally better under attitudes, and reasons! Whether you focus on relevant priorities, or petty stuff, often differentiates someone who is cooperative, from those who merely blame and complain, yet lack solutions! Each of us have certain preferences, and they often dictate how one visualizes, and undergoes planning, and implementation!

5. Energize: When leaders engage others in a positive way, it tends to energize the organization, and, thus the group, and its constituents, benefit! When these energies are spent, seeking solutions, rather than complaining and blaming, obviously, far more can be achieved!

6. Relevant; reliable: The more someone cooperates, the better he can seek relevant, reliable solutions, because his focus is positive and directed! Close your eyes, and envision the difference in your own perceptions, when you listen to cooperative leaders, versus negative ones!

7. Attitude; action: The two greatest indicators, of whether someone will bring people together, rather than apart, are the positivity of one's attitude, and how he transforms ideas, to viable action!

8. Timely: Often, those resorting to blaming and complaining, are without any solution, and merely procrastinating! Cooperative leaders are anxious and focused on helping others and meaningful service, and thus, ar far more apt, to take timely action!

9. Ideas; ideology; integrity: Anyone can use rhetoric, or make empty promises! Examine someone's ideology, and you can often get a clearer picture of their intents, and integrity!

10. Vision; value; values: Complaining about something and blaming others, is far different from possessing any type of important, vibrant, vital vision! True leaders add value to those they serve, and maintain positive values, in good times, or lesser ones!

11. Empathy; example: Leaders must realize it must never be about them, but rather about how they address the actual and perceived needs, concerns and priorities, of those they serve! Are you prepared to be the example, others point to, with admiration, etc?

Cooperative leaders heal wounds, while divisive ones deepen them! Learn to cooperate, and you'll learn to become a better leader!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Are You Willing/Able To Be A COOPERATIVE Leader?

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