Are You An AUTHENTIC Leader?

Those who follow my articles, realize I have spent many of them, related to the necessities, assets, abilities, etc, needed to be an effective leader. However, in today's world, where empty promises, rhetoric, vitriol, blaming and complaining, appear do often dominate over quality leadership planning, ideas and actions, there seems to be an ever - widening gap, between leadership wannabes, and AUTHENTIC leaders! When one defines the term, he discovers it refers to being real, realistic, doing what is needed, and getting relevant things done, for the betterment of his organization. Let's review, using the mnemonic approach, precisely what it means, to be, an effective, AUTHENTIC leader.

1. Attitude; attention; actions: Having a true, positive attitude, must be more than merely using the right words, or smiling, etc! Rather, it means, proceeding with a can - do attitude, forbidding one's mind, to perceive and conceive of the negatives! Authentic leaders pay attention to details, realities, and needs. They go beyond rhetoric and empty promises, but create and deliver on their action plans, for positive change!

2. Useful; usable: One must remain aware of prioritizing useful and usable ideas and actions, rather than merely being all over the place!

3. Timely: True leaders don't harp over yesterday's challenges and errors, but rather avoid blaming and complaining, by bringing forth quality, relevant, timely ideas, programs and plans!

4. Head/ heart; hear: Are you willing to hear what others are saying, needing, and are concerned with? Will you be able to balance your logical and emotional components, in what I refer to as a head/ heart balance?

5. Empathy; energy: Have you considered precisely why you have decided to be a leader? Will you listen effectively, care about your constituent's needs, priorities and concerns, and address them, with realistic empathy? Will you simply do what's necessary, in a way where it appears you are going through the motions, or will you be the source of energy, which others are inspired by?

6. Needs: Authentic leadership begins by being predominantly about needs! How one addresses and considers needs, concerns, and perceptions, will generally determine the quality of the leader/ constituent bond!

7. Take time: While proceeding in a timely manner is essential, one must do so in a well - considered manner, so as to address the most relevant issues, etc! Take the time to see things through, consider ramifications and contingencies, and then proceed clearly and distinctly.

8. Ideas; ideology; integrity: Once you know what's needed, and become determined to address these effectively, you must balance meaningful ideas, maintaining the ideology, and absolute integrity, in your efforts!

9. Character; clarity; cooperation: Authentic leaders must always be individuals with quality characters! Beginning with the highest level of character, articulating clearly and with clarity, and urging/ seeking cooperation, rather than adversarial relationships, is a necessity of authentic leadership!

Are you a true, AUTHENTIC leader? Do you realize why it's so important to be so?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source:  Are You An AUTHENTIC Leader?

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