Most individuals who either ascend to, are elected to, or assume positions of leadership, do so, with the intent of making a difference! However, as is true with much of our rhetoric and promises, the distinguishing characteristic, between someone who becomes a quality, meaningful, effective leader, and the rest of the pack, is whether he transforms his words and intents, to well - considered, properly formulated, priorities - based actions! In my four decades of identifying, qualifying, training and developing thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, I have come to realize, there are very few, who end up being, truly, SPECIAL leaders.
1. Strengthening; sustainable system: How can anyone be a real leader, unless he performs in a manner, which strengthens the group? He must develop plans, methods, approaches, concepts, and take relevant actions, which attract others to the group, and its mission. One must measure his eventual performance, by whether he was capable of conceiving, creating, developing and implementing a sustainable system, which positioned the organization, for a brighter future!
2. Planning; priorities; particular: Avoid being vague and making empty promises, but rather articulate, what, in particular, you propose, to make the group greater, and more meaningful/ relevant! Are you a proficient, effective, visionary, leadership planner, and how will you go about your planning process? Will you focus on the correct set of priorities?
3. Effective; excellent; empathetic: How will you assure being an effective leader? Will you be satisfied with minor victories/ achievements, or will you build upon them, to assure an excellent result? Will you realize leading must not be about you, your agenda, or ego, but rather effectively listen and learn, and be a true, empathetic leader?
4. Clear; create; character; cooperate: Measure any leader, by the quality of his character! Will you articulate your reasons clearly, to the satisfaction of your constituents? What do you want to create, and why? Will you avoid the easy path of blaming and complaining, which polarizes and creates distrust, or will you look to cooperate, and find an acceptable, meeting of the minds?
5. Ideas; ideology; integrity: Will you objectively examine, and question your ideas, to know if you are following the best course of action? Is your personal ideology in sync with your organization? Are you willing to strive for absolute integrity, even when that course may be more challenging, and a shortcut might appear easier?
6. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Special leaders begin with a true, can - do, positive attitude, combine it with a well - developed aptitude, and are ready, willing and able to pay attention to details, needs, concerns, and alternatives!
7. Listen; learn; leadership: Are you willing to listen far more than you speak? Will you consistently strive to learn from what you hear, see, and experience? Only them, will you be practicing special leadership!
Many attain leadership positions, but far fewer become SPECIAL leaders? Will you be one of this rare, exceptional breed?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:
By Richard Brody
Article Source: Are You A SPECIAL Type Of Leader?
1. Strengthening; sustainable system: How can anyone be a real leader, unless he performs in a manner, which strengthens the group? He must develop plans, methods, approaches, concepts, and take relevant actions, which attract others to the group, and its mission. One must measure his eventual performance, by whether he was capable of conceiving, creating, developing and implementing a sustainable system, which positioned the organization, for a brighter future!
2. Planning; priorities; particular: Avoid being vague and making empty promises, but rather articulate, what, in particular, you propose, to make the group greater, and more meaningful/ relevant! Are you a proficient, effective, visionary, leadership planner, and how will you go about your planning process? Will you focus on the correct set of priorities?
3. Effective; excellent; empathetic: How will you assure being an effective leader? Will you be satisfied with minor victories/ achievements, or will you build upon them, to assure an excellent result? Will you realize leading must not be about you, your agenda, or ego, but rather effectively listen and learn, and be a true, empathetic leader?
4. Clear; create; character; cooperate: Measure any leader, by the quality of his character! Will you articulate your reasons clearly, to the satisfaction of your constituents? What do you want to create, and why? Will you avoid the easy path of blaming and complaining, which polarizes and creates distrust, or will you look to cooperate, and find an acceptable, meeting of the minds?
5. Ideas; ideology; integrity: Will you objectively examine, and question your ideas, to know if you are following the best course of action? Is your personal ideology in sync with your organization? Are you willing to strive for absolute integrity, even when that course may be more challenging, and a shortcut might appear easier?
6. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Special leaders begin with a true, can - do, positive attitude, combine it with a well - developed aptitude, and are ready, willing and able to pay attention to details, needs, concerns, and alternatives!
7. Listen; learn; leadership: Are you willing to listen far more than you speak? Will you consistently strive to learn from what you hear, see, and experience? Only them, will you be practicing special leadership!
Many attain leadership positions, but far fewer become SPECIAL leaders? Will you be one of this rare, exceptional breed?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:
By Richard Brody
Article Source: Are You A SPECIAL Type Of Leader?