Are You A New Leader? What To Do FIRST?

Is this the first time you've help a true, position of leadership? Or, perhaps, is it the first time, you've been asked to be a leader, in a different set of circumstances, with different needs, nuances, and priorities, or do you ever feel somewhat overwhelmed, at being in charge? It may appear there is so much to do, with numerous challenges, obstacles, needs and priorities. Although you realize you can't tackle everything at once, how will you make that essential decision, What to do FIRST? After four decades of identifying, qualifying, developing, training and consulting, to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, I've decided to address this mindset and action plan, using an easy - to - understand (and remember). mnemonic approach.

1. Face facts; find; follow - up: It is unwise to either bury one's head in the sand (and deny the obstacles, etc), or become a blamer and complainer! When first thrust into a position of responsibility, it is important to thorough fact - find, and learn all relevant information. This often includes: learning about the organization's heritage, history, and mission (and reason for it being so, and whether it still resonates); examining current needs, priorities, concerns, etc; examining alternative options and alternatives; and seeking a relevant, sustainable solution. Once you find what's up, one must adopt a strategy, and create, develop and implement a quality, action plan. No matter what happens (good, bad or neutral), one must always follow - up, in a systematic, relevant manner!

2. Ideas; issues; implement: Will you be an ideas - oriented leader, or simply stay within the comfort zone, of the same - old, same - old? Know issues thoroughly, consider facts and options, and implement a well - considered plan!

3. Relevant; real; reasonable: You can't fake being a real leader, at least, not for long! Pursue relevant paths, and pursue reasonable, realistic, meaningful solutions!

4. Strengthen; sustainable system: Just as physicians follow an Oath of Hippocrates, which tells them to Do no harm, leaders must seek to strengthen their organization, in an effective manner! Conceive of, create, develop, and implement the best, sustainable system, possible!

5. Timely; trends; thorough: Identify relevant trends such as: Is group growing or weakening?; Does mission still resonate or does it need tweaking?; How do external factors, such as economics, world (changes), competition, etc, impact the organization? Consider needs and priorities, and take well - considered, timely action! Whatever you do, be as thorough as possible!

When you become a leader, everything often appears, to be moving very quickly! Learn to slow it down, by identifying, and knowing, what to do FIRST!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Are You A New Leader? What To Do FIRST?

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