Applying The Law of Attraction To Your Business

Whatever you feel about where the law of attraction has its roots, there is no need to place it in a type of religious ideology - it can simply be a way of thinking and, ultimately, living.

Basically, the law of attraction says that what you visualize in your mind and with your emotions can become a reality. By believing that you are present in your thoughts and feelings, you are said to "attract" those things you desire by thinking of them and having strong feelings about them. When you tap into the law of attraction, you visualize yourself in the place you want to be.

According to the law, you will attract emotionally and physically your most desirable needs and goals, which in turn will manifest themselves into your life. You are said to attract those things on which you focus your energy.

Let us now have a look on how you can apply this law to your business? Here are a few ideas.

What Do You Want?
Determining just what it is that you want is the first step of applying the law of attraction. After all, you can't visualize your dreams if you don't know what they are. So, it's a good idea to begin by being quite specific about what you want from your business, whether it be monetary, progression or a mixture of both.

Visualization is said to create your personal "vibration." The law of attraction is said to respond to this vibration. Every day, try envisioning yourself as successful as you can be in your business. Try to make the visualizations specific - you receive a call from your mentor; you sign a joint venture with a powerful business owner; you find 100 new clients. Spend time each day with these thoughts in the forefront of your mind.

Imagine that you have already achieved what you want. Many successful people live by this method like top golfers who visualize the putt dropping into the 18th hole before making the strike or the famous actor who wrote his own cheque payable to himself for 10 million dollars years before it actually happened! Whatever business you are part of, this action is said to heighten your awareness to the opportunities you will begin to attract.

Believe It's Yours
The law of attraction says you need to accept those things that come your way as a result of your attraction. Like any belief, you need to overcome doubt and believe that you will, in fact, attract what you desire. If you want to sell more of your product or service, for instance, believe it will happen. As you visualize, believe it is your reality. Accept that these business goals and achievements are yours.

Another element of believing is to cultivate a healthy sense that you deserve everything that will ultimately come to you. If you continue to think you're not worthy,then that is exactly what you will have and even though through the law of averages, you will find some success, it will definitely affect the vibration you send out, and attract negative energy to your business.

Be Careful of Negative Thoughts
The law of attraction means you attract those things you focus on - so if you attract negative things, it is due to a negative vibration you sent out. The law of attraction applies to bad things as well as good, in other words. It is said that you should keep things positive and while that is not always that easy, I am sure that you don't want to attract business failure or frustration as opposed to business success and prosperity.

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 By Stephen Zaba

Article Source: Applying The Law of Attraction To Your Business

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