A Newfound Hope

hope noun


a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.


aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, goal, plan, design

o a person or thing that may help or save someone.

o grounds for believing that something good may happen.


hopefulness, optimism, expectation, expectancy

2. archaic

a feeling of trust.

verb hoping

I was going to write on a very different topic this morning until I looked out the window. The sunrise changed my mind.

I looked at it and I thought, "Hope".

There's not been much to hope for recently. The news is disastrous, the weather is crappy, people are depressed.

It's hard to believe that any good could come of anything at the moment.

If we really create our reality, why are we creating global warming, poverty, war, and cancer? If we really can manifest anything we truly desire, why isn't it already here?

Can we even be hopeful when things are so bad? Isn't that just being in denial?

When we look at life from our body/personality level, it's going to be frustrating. We feel helpless. We feel blocked.

That's because our bodies, and to an extent, our personalities, are locked into this reality. Our bodies only exist in the here and now. They take things very seriously. They view things in black and white, life and death.

Life is a school with lessons to learn, and punishing consequences if you mess up.

It's you as Consciousness that is creating life down to the smallest detail.

To Consciousness, this world is a marvelous playground. Life is a game to experience. It's not about getting good stuff. But it feels good to navigate life from this higher awareness, using consciousness techniques with playful curiosity.

Living life as Consciousness, feels joyful and lighthearted. You manifest effortlessly and with ease.

How do you do this? It's not a mental activity. You can't do this by thinking. In fact, I like to do "tricks" to bypass my thinking. That's why I enjoy stepping through invisible doors to parallel universes every time I walk my dog. It shifts my feeling state into a new experience.

It's a deceptively simple technique. The changes are subtle. But the ripple effects are profound. Your mind will try to discount it, because your mind is part of your body's operating system. It's designed to keep you on track, but ends up keeping you in the same rut.

When you navigate life as Consciousness, you manifest results bigger than your mind could have imagined.

When you shift your awareness of yourself to Consciousness, as Consciousness, you can see the infinite possibilities available to you. You regain hope. You get little reminders how big and miraculous this world is. You see sunrises.

 By Joan M Newcomb

Article Source: A Newfound Hope

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