5 Keys To Better, More Successful EVENTS

Regardless of the type, scope, reason, for a specific event, the success (or failure), is nearly always dependent upon the actions, planning, and abilities of the planning group, and/ or individual, and the quality of leadership and professionalism, they exhibit/ display! Organizations hold these for a variety of purposes and reasons, including: fundraising; organizational planning/ governance; educational; motivation; social; etc. Let's review what one must do, in order to enhance the possibilities, and create/ produce, the most meaningful, effective, successful event, possible. In order to be considered to be so, one must consider the purpose, marketing, perceptions, empathetic considerations, negotiations, etc. Therefore, this article will examine, from a mnemonic perspective, 5 essential keys, to better, more effective, successful EVENTS.

1. Energy; enjoyable: When an attendee immediately observes a positive, motivating, energetic feeling, he is far more willing to remain open - minded, and happy to be participating! After all, why would anyone want to go somewhere, if it wasn't enjoyable, and, hopefully, meaningful and productive?

2. Value; values; vision: There is often quite a bit of competition for a potential attendee's attention and participation. Why should someone opt to attend yours, rather than another? Leaders must know what they are trying to achieve, from the onset, so they properly, effectively negotiate, in order to bring quality and value, and the perception of more bang, for the buck! However, in this quest, one must never abandon the values or reasons, for holding this event. True leaders must possess a vital, vibrant vision, in order to make every aspect, the most desirable.

3. Empathy; entice; entertain: Like in every other leadership aspect, real leaders must possess empathy, in considering planning and producing their events. What do constituents seek, need, and prioritize? How will you entice them to attend, because an event can only be successful, if you get your target audience to attend? Use the proper proportion of entertaining them, motivating, and educating, and do so effectively, efficiently and professionally.

4. Needs; nuances: How will you assure your event addresses the needs, concerns and priorities of potential attendees? How is your group different and unique, and what nuances will you employ, in order to motivate them?

5. Trends; timely: Many groups fall into the trap, of refusing to evolve, and merely try to clone previous versions of these functions/ events. Know the trends and tendencies, taking advantage of them. Articulate and motivate, in a timely, well - considered manner!

6. Strengthen; solutions: Every event should seek to strengthen the group, in some way. What obstacles and/ or challenges will you address, and will you show viable solutions, which satisfy needs and concerns?
These are just a few of the considerations which professional negotiators and planners, consider and think about, when producing an event. Wouldn't you want better, more successful, EVENTS?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership and event planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

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