3 Ways To Avoid The Negative News About The Economy

The negative news about the economy is dominating our television sets and other news sources these days and it is especially challenging to avoid the news if you are job searching. I was really upset a few years back because there are so many young people in the United States that did all the right things, played by the rules, and went to college. They put in all that time and effort to get their degrees. As they have gotten these degrees and are now looking to enter the labor market, they can find no job. It is really a blow to your self-esteem if you have a college degree and after sending out over 500 resumes and filling out many other applications you cannot find a job. You wonder if it is your fault that you can't find a job. You begin to wonder if there was any point in getting that college degree. You feel like you are helpless and don't know where to turn for an answer. If you have experienced all these feelings, you are not alone.

Your next question will be how do I avoid these negative news stories about the economy and still be productive? There is no easy solution to this situation. It is very likely that you will hear about this negative news from someone who you know or you will be exposed to it while you are browsing the internet. The important thing is to at least try to stay away from this news and I know that this is not an easy thing to do. Here are three suggestions for minimizing the impact of this negative stuff on the news so that you stay sane and productive:

1. Read a book that you enjoy. If you are reading something, you may as well spend that time reading something you have a genuine interest in. You can also drink a nice cup of tea while you are reading that book and it would make for a very relaxing occasion.

2. If you see yourself becoming overwhelmed by the negative news, write about your feelings. Writing your feelings and expressing them is a way to get that toxicity out of your body. This is because when you write about your feelings, you release the frustration, anger and negativity that have built up inside of you. I get down sometimes too and it was an especially hard day for me today too. Writing and publishing your work helps to keep you active and sane so that you feel better. When your mind is busy with a task, you won't have time left for any worries. This is perhaps the most effective tip that I can offer. But let me tell you that nothing works 100% of the time.

3. On a related note, write as often as you can especially if you have your own website. Regular writing also helps you attract more visitors to your site and you feel better because you will know that you have been productive. New content is really important. Fresh content leads to more regular visitors and possibly more money made through advertising or other ways. You should be creative to figure out how to do this. There are many ways to monetize your website.

These are a few tips of advice to help you get started on the path to becoming a more relaxed person in these hard and challenging times. I know that for many others these hard economic times have devastated. I have been there and I am still struggling like many of you are and all we can do is keep on applying to jobs and networking. And most of all, never give up on your life.

For more interesting content, please check out the web site http://asiancelebshut.com, the main website of the author. The author welcomes suggestions and feedback about his work. He also focuses on topics such as the entertainment industry in Asia.


 By Ara Vahanian

Article Source: 3 Ways To Avoid The Negative News About The Economy

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