3 Steps to Stop Your Procrastination With a Little Communication

Finding time to follow through on a task or get started on a project can be a challenge -- even when you feel eager to get started.

So, imagine how hard it is to find that time when some part of you is not on board with the undertaking. This is when you're likely to get caught up in procrastination -- and then frustration. It's a predictable pattern, and it's one that hundreds upon hundreds of smart, talented people get entangled in, much to their dismay.

Are you one of them?

Don't get discouraged or get down on yourself. Let's focus instead on how you can address this time challenge.

Here are 3 steps you can take any time to gather the information you need to make different time choices for yourself.

Notice that I'm talking about information. Each of these 3 steps has to do with communicating with or observing something about yourself. The more you can simply observe, removing judgment and self-criticism from the equation, the more information you'll gain.

3 Steps to Stop Procrastinating

First, you need to have a way of knowing when you are procrastinating. Do you notice that an item keeps moving from day-to-day-to-day on your to do list without your touching it? After day 4, you are probably procrastinating and need to take a deeper look.

Take the time to ask yourself some key questions about this item and your feelings about it. The questions may vary, but be sure to explore how you feel about accomplishing it. Could fear of success be getting in your way? Other helpful questions to ask include:

What am I waiting for?
When is a good time to do it?
How will I know it's the right time?

Listen, with your full attention, to your answers. Really engage with yourself. This builds trust and helps you sustain a solid connection with yourself for the long haul!

One of the people we are most likely to lose touch with - especially when life gets hectic - is ourselves. When this happens, rebelliousness, procrastination, and other self-defeating patterns can set in and rob you of precious time.

This kind of open self-communication is key to making informed time choices and avoiding the procrastination trap. Have you tried asking yourself some questions like this... and listening to your answers? I'd love to hear how it works for you!

And to fully mobilize yourself, sign up for our free gift,the Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!

Offered by Paula Eder, PhD, The Time Finder Expert.

 By Paula Eder

Article Source: 3 Steps to Stop Your Procrastination With a Little Communication

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