2017: A Year of Victory (2)

"Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the LORD: I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; he has thrown both horse and the rider into the sea. The LORD is my strength and my song: he has become my victory" Exodus 15:1-2
I see you singing songs of victory this year! It has already begun. It's victory, victory, victory all the way.

Total victory! Yes, the horse and the rider will be thrown into the sea. Complete victory. I can see you dancing and singing like Israel. Yes, dancing and singing always, naturally follow deliverance. This is the time when you'll dance without anybody drumming for you. You'll unconsciously burst into singing even as you walk down the streets. And that is the best spiritual song: singing with your whole being, in awe and tears of joy that only God would understand. When you thought it was the end, when you have lost all hope, when everybody including your relations, beneficiaries, neighbors, colleagues, friends and even your spouse had written you off, and suddenly, yes suddenly, God comes to deliver you from that shame, from their predictions, from their expectations. He shows up. He comes to demonstrate that he will always have the final say in our life.

It was going to be a sweet victory for the people of Israel at the bank of the Red Sea. The enemies had already closed up on them from behind, the great sea bellowed in the front and the valley and hills on both sides. In fact, there was no visible way of escape for them. And unfortunately, they also lost hope. True.

They started talking about graves, dying, burial; they were depressed and full of regrets. In fact, they were attacking and blaming Moses for bringing them out of Egypt. Because of the immediate situation, they suddenly became full of doubts and regrets. But these two negatives can blur anybody from seeing and experiencing the power of God. Just listen to them, "why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren't there enough graves for us in Egypt? Why did you make us to leave? Didn't we tell you to leave us alone while we were still in Egypt? Our Egyptian slavery was far better than dying out here in the wilderness!" They bullied Moses. My God! Fear truly torments. They had suddenly forgotten all the miracles, signs and wonders that God performed in their presence in Egypt. They had even forgotten the great Passover slaughter of the entire first born in Egypt just before they left that night. And worse still, they seemed not to remember again that the fullness of God was visibly with them as the pillar of cloud in the day and the pillar of fire in the night as they moved. May God remove every fear and ever doubt in your mind today in Jesus' name! Why still those questions in your mind?

Now, suddenly, Jehovah God showed up. The throne of no disappointment! He began to speak and move in their midst. He immediately gave Moses instructions and directions. The pillars of fire and cloud began to re-align. My God! Divine confuse took over the camp of their enemies as God miraculously path the sea for them to escape. And more interestingly is that the same instrument of escape for them because the instrument of extermination of their enemies. Watching this commando-style deliverance, Moses and Israel instantaneously burst into songs of victory. I see you singing from now in the name of Jesus! It shall be like a dream. It shall happen suddenly! Listen, God is doing for you exactly what He did for Israel at the shores of the Red Sea. Look at the way of escape that is already created for you. Yes, it will happen suddenly. Get ready! You will soon say like Moses and Israel that the LORD has become your strength, your song and your victory! Praise God! Nothing will stop this celebration in your life this year. It is your time of victory! God bless you!

Rev Agbo is the author of the book Power of Midnight Prayer https://www.amazon.com/Power-Midnight-Prayer-Pastor-Gabriel-ebook/dp/B007YK24V2?ie=UTF8&keywords=Power+of+Midnight+Pra&qid=1406112107&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2#navbar

Author's website: http://www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo

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