True Leaders Must Be A Special VARIETY

If we are to be accurate, what we commonly refer to as leaders, should be broken into three basic categories: (1) those who ascend to a position of leadership; (2) those who consider themselves, as leaders; and (3) true leaders. While the difference between the first two categories, might often be blurred, if we thoroughly examine someone, and his various characteristics, including attitude, aptitude, vision, devotion, beliefs, ideals, integrity, etc, it becomes somewhat apparent, true leaders are not only rare, but a very special VARIETY. After four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, I feel strongly, the single, biggest challenge, most organizations face today, is their dearth of quality leadership, and their unwillingness to dedicate a sufficient degree of time, attention, energy and resources, to creating and utilizing, a professional designed, leadership planning and development program.

1. Value; values; vision: In order to be considered, as a true leader, one must clearly bring to the table, both, actual, as well as perceived value! How does this personal make a difference for the better? Do the values he demonstrates align with the core mission and values, of the organization, and its stakeholders? What is his prevailing, necessary, vision, which might make a real difference, in terms of the relevance and sustainability of the group?

2. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Wouldn't it be great, if the leader possessed the optimal combination of a positive, can - do attitude, with a specially attuned and developed aptitude, while being ready, willing and able to pay attention, to the needs, priorities and concerns of the organization, and its constituents?

3. Relevant; reliable: I've often witnessed a well - intentioned individual, become a leader, and immediately attempt to create lots of programs, etc. These people always appear energetic and busy, but remember the adage, which reminds us, quality is far more important than quality! True leaders prioritize being relevant, so the organization may attract new members, maintain existing ones, and take actions, which motivate individuals to want to belong and get further involved! However, unless, those you serve perceive you, as being reliable, they will not continue to believe in you, or follow!

4. Ideas; ideology: It's not about, merely having and/ or introducing ideas, but rather introducing ones, which align with the correct, core ideology! Observe whether an individual is willing to proceed with an open - mind, expand his personal comfort zone, and take actions, aimed at making a difference for the better!

5. Empathy; energy; excellence; example: Since most people's favorite sound is their own voice, it is often challenging to find someone, willing to listen more than he speaks, and do so effectively! True leaders must exhibit empathy, and proceed with a level of energy, which motivates others to follow. Mediocre must never be acceptable, but one must strive for excellence. Can you live up to the example, others should try to follow?

6. Timely; trendsetter: Will you only do the same - old, same - old, or will you be a trendsetter, who makes a real difference? One must avoid procrastination, by consistently taking timely, well - considered action!

7. You; yes: Will you accept the concept, it must not be about you, but it is, up to you, to make a real difference? Will you say yes, to getting things done, or will you fear ruffling feathers?
Are you going to be one of the few, who is that special VARIETY, and would make a wonderful, true leader? Or, perhaps, leadership is not for you? It's your decision!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

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