Top 10 Places to Spend Christmas Holidays

Christmas is the most awaited festival and holiday season for all people around the world no matter religion, age, gender! Come December, the most awaited month of the year, people will be busy drawing schedules for shopping, ordering gifts for their loved ones, and preparing travel plans to be with their families.

Kids and elders revel in the thought of stylish and fashionable clothes, delicious food, meeting loved ones, friends and visits Churches and Masses spending whole day praying Jesus Christ and Mother Mary.

Christmas is one of the biggest celebrations around the world for people by Feasting, Caroling, gift giving along with prayers and wishes.

Top 10 places to spend Christmas:

Europe's Christmas capital Napipiiri in Lapland, Finland located at the foot of Arctic Circle, each year thousands of visitors around the globe tour Santa Clause Village and Santa Park. Families in Europe had more awareness to this Santa Clause Village and Santa Park, which mostly attracts children's with impressive ice sculptures and quaint shops.

In New York the world famous Christmas tree is at Rockefeller Centre, it is the centerpiece for citywide Christmas display. The decoration, lighting and snow falling during this period makes the locals gawk like tourists.

Quebec is one of the best places for celebrating Christmas; it's been environmentally friendly, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, outdoor enthusiasts and offers opportunities for hiking.

If you want rare treat for longer evening, then Tromso, Norway has beautiful view of Northern lights as the day is just a couple of hours of twilight.

In Barcelona, Spain Christmas holiday spirit stay all year long starting from January. You experience the holidays with fireworks, canons and unbelievable parade of elephants, camels and giraffes.

If you want to celebrate Christmas in the outdoors mountain, then Durango, Colorado is the place where you can celebrate mountain Christmas with natural surroundings, hype and fanfare.

Edinburgh, Scotland is the place for celebrating vivid Christmas, which includes light shows and fireworks.
If you want tropical Christmas adventure then Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico will experience you in all etiquette of lights, partying and food.

Charlestone, South Carolina: If you want Christmas in Southern flair then Charlestone, South Carolina is the place you need to visit. This beautiful American city offers warm hospitality with delicious oddities, like eggnog spiked and shrimp with grits.

Prague: Experience Christmas in Ancient European city of Prague, with beautiful churches, ancient history and culture Prague offer unforgettable Christmas holiday with its incredible Gothic and Baroque architecture, mind-blowing Christmas decorations.

All over the world Christmas celebrations are brewing up, if you are the top 10 places to celebrate Christmas then you are enjoying the holiday better than the remaining.

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Informations From: Taun17

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