The Most Important Aspect Of A Unique Business Card

We all have business cards in our wallet or purse. It's part of our business culture to introduce yourself and hand over a card with your contact information in the hopes that this particular contact will remember you.

It's a staple of how business has been done for the last few centuries or so. Did you know that in fifteenth century China, they used business cards called 'visiting cards' that were designed for the purpose of setting up meetings between clients and businesses?

After that the handout card culture really soared during seventeenth century Europe, when people climbed the social ladder through personal promotion in the form of calling cards. This was due to a new form of highly mannered set of Kings, that made someone's promotion or demotion among the social ranks almost completely dependent on personal promotion.

With such a storied history behind it, custom cards have a wealth of examples of creative thinkers to draw from. Think about how often you get a business card these days, stick in your pocket or bag, and forget about it. Do you want your potential clients and customers to do that with your card?

Modern business card printers allow for options that come in all shapes and sizes and can provide you with the unique business card that gets you remembered. A fairly popular option, as an example, is a custom business card with a detachable microfiber screen cleaner that they can peel off and stick to their phones or tablets.

Unique business cards will hit the tenants of a good first impression, the principles of which have been forming for hundreds of years...
  • Get noticed.
  • Make yourself memorable.
  • Stand out among the crowd.
  • Give your contacts a useful gift for free.
  • Ensure that your contact information is always available by maximizing brand awareness.
  • Amplify the reach of your marketing message.
Instead of handing your business contacts a plain card just like everyone else, you can stand out with unique business cards. Custom cards with your logo and message, that also act as bottle openers, coupons, promotion card punches, screen cleaners, or at least something creative, will ensure you stand out.

Rather than tossing your card into a pile, or worse - the trash, your contacts can actually put your card to use. Multi purpose cards are great for extending the reach of your marketing while solidifying your brand in the minds of your clients or partners.

Do you want your card to show how unique your business is and let it work for you long after the paper card is gone? Call Pristine Screens at (800) 540-5971 to get started on your custom business cards with screen cleaners today.

We offer FREE samples, DISCOUNTED bulk pricing, and lightning FAST delivery.

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