Hebrews 4:14 "therefore, since we have a great high priest who
has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to
the faith we profess".
Hebrews 10:23 "let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful".
Have you ever been faced with a challenge where it seems as if you are almost losing your faith in God?
Have you ever felt for one moment that God doesn't really care about your every need because you trusted God for something and it didn't come to pass? Have you allowed bitterness fill your heart towards God because He didn't meet you at your point of need? Have you ever been brought to a place where what you believe about God's word and what you are actually professing are completely two worlds apart?
But in everything you have ever gone through, can you still maintain a positive profession just like Job, who said in Job 13:15 "though he slay me yet will I trust in him... " Your continuous trust and dependence on God even in the place of adversity shows your level of faith in God and your level of maturity in His Word. Solomon made it clear in the book of Proverbs 24:10 "if you give up when trouble comes, it shows that you are weak"
Don't allow your present circumstances to change what you believe and say about God's word for your life. Just because you had a challenge doesn't make God's word void. No! As a believer you stick to the truth of God's word in season and out of season, when the going is smooth and when it is rough, in trials and in tribulation. If God has said it I believe it and if God has not said it then I don't believe it.
Apostle Paul in Romans 1:16 said "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes... " You are what God says you are and that settles it. The truth of God's word concerning you is not a fallacy. To them outside of Jesus it is foolishness but to you it is the dunamis of God unto your well-being, wholeness, and all that you want it to be. So don't allow anyone to talk you out of it. Just like what a man of God said "when you stick to the word you will come back with a testimony".
Have you ever wondered why is it that after some believers must have listened to a message on healing and later on they have an attack on their health and the first thing they are thinking of is how to get drugs. What happened to what the minister just said? To that minister that might be one of the most powerful messages he/ she has preached ever! It is simple; the believer did not mix the word he/she heard with faith (Hebrews 4:2).
A believer who keeps declaring God's healing over his body and someday the devil attacks his health and the next thing he is thinking of is how to get some drugs! This is someone who has been professing the word. What has he been declaring? You see, not until the truth of God's word hits your spirit and you are so lighted up with the word and so convinced in your heart of heart about His word, then and only then can you truly walk in the reality of His word. If not all that you are just doing is mere words without power.
I pray that the eyes of your heart be enlightened to know the things that God has freely given you.
The word of God has never failed and it cannot fail! God's word works! Don't just hear the word, every believer hears the word, but what will distinguish you from others is the practicing of the word. Go beyond hearing the word, do the word every day. (See James 1:22-25). Don't let a day go by without putting the word of God to work. One way to be firm in faith is by continuous practice of the word of God. Hold firmly to the faith you profess, do the word and see the wonders of His word at work in you.
Hebrews 10:23 "let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful".
Have you ever been faced with a challenge where it seems as if you are almost losing your faith in God?
Have you ever felt for one moment that God doesn't really care about your every need because you trusted God for something and it didn't come to pass? Have you allowed bitterness fill your heart towards God because He didn't meet you at your point of need? Have you ever been brought to a place where what you believe about God's word and what you are actually professing are completely two worlds apart?
But in everything you have ever gone through, can you still maintain a positive profession just like Job, who said in Job 13:15 "though he slay me yet will I trust in him... " Your continuous trust and dependence on God even in the place of adversity shows your level of faith in God and your level of maturity in His Word. Solomon made it clear in the book of Proverbs 24:10 "if you give up when trouble comes, it shows that you are weak"
Don't allow your present circumstances to change what you believe and say about God's word for your life. Just because you had a challenge doesn't make God's word void. No! As a believer you stick to the truth of God's word in season and out of season, when the going is smooth and when it is rough, in trials and in tribulation. If God has said it I believe it and if God has not said it then I don't believe it.
Apostle Paul in Romans 1:16 said "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes... " You are what God says you are and that settles it. The truth of God's word concerning you is not a fallacy. To them outside of Jesus it is foolishness but to you it is the dunamis of God unto your well-being, wholeness, and all that you want it to be. So don't allow anyone to talk you out of it. Just like what a man of God said "when you stick to the word you will come back with a testimony".
Have you ever wondered why is it that after some believers must have listened to a message on healing and later on they have an attack on their health and the first thing they are thinking of is how to get drugs. What happened to what the minister just said? To that minister that might be one of the most powerful messages he/ she has preached ever! It is simple; the believer did not mix the word he/she heard with faith (Hebrews 4:2).
A believer who keeps declaring God's healing over his body and someday the devil attacks his health and the next thing he is thinking of is how to get some drugs! This is someone who has been professing the word. What has he been declaring? You see, not until the truth of God's word hits your spirit and you are so lighted up with the word and so convinced in your heart of heart about His word, then and only then can you truly walk in the reality of His word. If not all that you are just doing is mere words without power.
I pray that the eyes of your heart be enlightened to know the things that God has freely given you.
The word of God has never failed and it cannot fail! God's word works! Don't just hear the word, every believer hears the word, but what will distinguish you from others is the practicing of the word. Go beyond hearing the word, do the word every day. (See James 1:22-25). Don't let a day go by without putting the word of God to work. One way to be firm in faith is by continuous practice of the word of God. Hold firmly to the faith you profess, do the word and see the wonders of His word at work in you.
By Moses Rueben Eromose
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