Leaders Must PERCEIVE Before They Can Conceive, And Achieve!

You think you're ready to become a leader? Why do you believe you'll be prepared, to make a real difference, for the better? What are your visions, hopes, and priorities, for your term of service? What do you believe can, should, and is able to be achieved/ done? How will your perceptions make a difference, in the way you proceed, what you think is possible, and which alternatives, you will consider/ evaluate, versus those you won't even look at? Pay attention to the adage, Whatever the mind of man can perceive and conceive, man can achieve! Or, as Henry Ford is often credited with saying, You can believe you can, or can't. Either way, you'll be correct. Will you be a possibility - thinker, who is willing to PERCEIVE, or will your biases and prejudgments, lead you away from certain choices, and possibilities? It's important to realize, and understand, without perception, one will be unable to conceive of solutions, and therefore, will never achieve, to his potential!

1. Priorities; plans: What are your priorities, and do they align with the needs, concerns, and objectives of your organization, and those you serve? How will your perceptions, impact your priorities? How will you be able to develop quality plans, without realizing how essential, what you perceive, is, as it relates to effectively planning?

2. Empathy: Remember, while your perceptions are essential, your constituents also have certain perceptions, and unless you address these thoroughly, you will fail to be able to proceed with the necessary degree of empathy, which will earn you supporters, and followers!

3. Reality; relevant: Give yourself a checkup, from the neck - up, to determine whether your perceptions are realistic and meaningful! Will you perceive ideas and approaches, which are relevant, and necessary?

4. Clarity; choices: How well you understand your perceptions, and believe in them, will often dictate the clarity, you will be able to communicate them with! Every leader has choices, and what will drive you to opt for the path you select?

5. Expertise: One gains expertise, not merely based on experiences, but on a combination of these, plus how well you've been trained, have learned, are ready/ prepared, and combined these, to make a real difference. However, the determining factor, is, often, how one perceives of circumstances, and/ or conditions!

6. Ideas; intentions; ideology: The ideas one focuses on, are generally influenced, by perceptions! Always pay close attention, to your true, personal intentions, and ask, if your ideology, is in sync with your group!

7. Views; vision; value; values; visualize: How do you develop your views? Is your vital, vibrant vision, based on personal gain, or service to others? Can you combining quality values, with being a person, of value? What changes and options do you visualize, which drive you positively towards your goals and actions?

8. Example: Why should anyone follow you, until/ unless, you set the example, for others to strive for? How will your perceptions impact that example?

We all know how important achievements are, but one can't usually get to that point, unless he first, is able to PERCEIVE, and conceive! Will you make that type of concerted effort?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Leaders Must PERCEIVE Before They Can Conceive, And Achieve!

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